Rise of telecommuting: Working from home not such a career risk

By Around the Web

(STUDY FINDS) — TROY, New York — Modern technology has enabled more people than ever before to work from home. Even though telecommuting has become extraordinarily popular, people tend to think that working remotely limits their ability to rise in their careers. A recent study, however, from the Lally School of Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute may ease some concerns for both employees and employers alike. Essentially, the new research shows that telecommuting does not necessarily hurt one’s career.

“Although telecommuting has experienced rapid growth, some workers are reluctant to try telecommuting for fear that it will hurt their career,” says Timothy D. Golden, a professor and area head of enterprise management and organization in Lally, in a university release. “This research helps answer that critical question: Does it hurt your career if you telecommute? My study shows that it depends heavily on the employee’s work context.”

The study used actual corporate data on promotion and salary growth of 405 employees to evaluate the impact telecommuting has on their career trajectories.

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