(AMERICAN THINKER) When it comes to dictating how the news shall be presented to the American public, the Associated Press stylebook plays a key role, and has for many decades. Among other functions, it tells reporters and their editors which terms are to be preferred and which are verboten in describing phenomena. The word “Negro” was long ago banned, for instance, reflecting evolving fashion.
But now that the AP has become weaponized as a tool of the progressive movement, it is also a reliable guide to political correctness. Discarding “illegal immigrant” in favor of “undocumented immigrant,” for instance.
The 55th edition of the Stylebook is about to be published in late June, reflecting not just the latest fads and fashion, but perhaps with an eye toward whose political ox could be gored by certain popular expressions.
On Friday, the AP suddenly announced that the word “mistress” is doubleplusungood.