Herschel Walker offers to send people who want to defund police to countries without them

By WND Staff

Herschel Walker (Photo by Michael Kaplan via Wikimedia)

The radical objective of Black Lives Matter activists to eliminate police departments has gained traction amid the protests of the death of George Floyd.

So NFL-star-turned-businessman Herschel Walker has a suggestion: Those who don’t want police can go to places where there aren’t any.

And he’ll help them.

Fox News reported he’s volunteered to make the arrangements with a number of airlines.

“I have an idea … For all these people who don’t want any police, I’d love to meet with American Airlines, Delta, and Southwest and make a deal to fly them to countries that don’t have police. I want them to be happy!” he wrote on Twitter.

Walker , who played in the NFL for 12 years, previously said that as a black leader, he would volunteer to bring members of Congress together with leaders from a variety of “ethnic groups, both left and right, to find solutions.”

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He wrote: “We’re civilized people. Why can’t true congressmen/women and senators get together with leaders from all ethnic groups, both left and right, to find solutions … unless certain people in Washington don’t want to see a change. I’m volunteering myself as one of the black leaders.”

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