A new undercover video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reveals who could be funding the militant groups fomenting violence on the streets of American cities.
It’s no surprise that among them are billionaire activists Tom Steyer and George Soros.
See the video (Be aware of abusive and foul language in the recordings):
The video features the organization Refuse Fascism, which uses “Antifa-like” tactics.
“There is no question Antifa is well-organized and well-funded. It’s not just George Soros or Tom Steyer who may have interest in domestic terrorist groups like RefuseFa and Antifa, this video also brings in players in Silicon Valley,” said Project Veritas CEO and founder James O’Keefe.
And politics. One comment in the video indicates the participation of former members of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
“Project Veritas will continue to investigate Antifa and will update the American public as we gather more evidence on their big money sponsors,” said O’Keefe.
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The video shows Tee Stern, the head of the Atlanta chapter for Refuse Fascism, saying, “We actually did get a grant from them (Soros) around – we started a thing called a national day of appreciation for abortion providers.”
A further comment, from RefuseFascism national organization Andy Zee: “We’re meeting with [Tom Steyer’s] main adviser on impeachment. We’ve been talking to his assistant, he first said he was going to meet, he made the announcement…”