Liberal Democrats continually to tell Christians that Jesus taught tolerance, so Christians need to show more tolerance, just as Jesus did.
That is a lie.
Jesus was not tolerant as he condemned the Jewish high priests and Sanhedrin – so those high priests had the Romans kill Jesus. Jesus was not tolerant as he whipped the money changers in God’s house. He was not tolerant as he told the woman to “sin no more.” And he was not tolerant as he condemned the servant (slave) to suffer in the streets for not using the talents that were given to him from his master.
Jesus taught confession, repentance and forgiveness, but never tolerance. Those parents in the U.S. who make excuses for the actions of their children think that they are doing something good by being tolerant, when they should be guiding their children to confess, repent and ask for forgiveness – to change their lives and “sin no more.”
Abortion? LBGTQ? Cheating on college exams and admissions? Not loving God with all their hearts and minds? Mocking God? Taking taxes from some to give to others to buy their votes (theft)? Children raised in fatherless homes? Then there’s liberal media bias, spin and omissions (i.e., lies).
And now look at things. Riots. Increased violence in cities run by Democrats. Destruction of private property. Looting. Huge increases in murders in those Democrat-run cities. Disrespecting our police, and liberals make excuses for it. Justifying wrong actions, rationalizing, blaming the president, tolerance for violence.
Tolerance … the mantra of the 1960s hippies as they became adults got us into this state of violence and division today. It created this spoiled “cancel culture.” No consequences.
Tolerance will not be the way to fix it.
Americans needed to be as protective against the negative results of tolerance as we are protective against the China virus. And we were not.
Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.”
We Americans spent 50 years and $50 trillion (net present value) on affirmative action, on tolerance, on policies favoring blacks because of the guilt complexes of white liberals. These included unearned promotions and the hiring of minority employees to meet race quotas.
And what is the result? Black Americans raise children 75% of the time in homes without fathers (a five times larger percentage than the rest of society), commit five times more violent crimes per capita than the rest of society and score the lowest for scholastic achievement.
There is no systemic racism. There is very little systemic police brutality. Government statistics show that police brutality occurs in less than one out of 10,000 arrests. And there is very little black profiling. Blacks are arrested at a greater percentage than whites because blacks commit five times more violent crimes per capita than the rest of society.
What did tolerance get us from globalists, from international companies, from NATO, from China, from the U.N., from Germany, from the EU, from NAFTA, from OPEC? Nothing. Tolerance emboldened our enemies. They all ripped us off and took advantage of our tolerance.
President Trump fixed the liberal approach of tolerating the exploitation of America by foreigners. And now Trump is about to fix those problems caused by Democratic control of our largest cities. Tolerance will not be the fix.
Mathew 13:49-50: (Jesus then said) “This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Does that sound like tolerance to you? How many parents shared that quote from Jesus with their children? How many politicians or liberals shared that quote from Jesus with anyone?
As my sister-in-law says: “It is time for our leaders to grow some cashews.” It is time to end the hippie Democrat age of tolerance. Make America great again.