The Democratic National Virtual Convention opened Monday with a two-hour prime-time bash Trump fest. If nothing else, we learned the Washington establishment hates Donald Trump.
In Tuesday’s installment, we learned why. It has nothing to do with Charlottesville, the post office or Twitter.
On Tuesday viewers were treated to a parade of the bipartisan authors and architects of the globalist policies that have destroyed American jobs, farms and industries, bled us in endless wars ostensibly to make the world safe for democracy while enriching the donors who support Washington politicians with campaign funds and insider deals.
Up to that point the “convention,” an infomercial really, steered clear of any policy specifics. It was all feel-bad videos, montages of words, images and minor-key mood music designed to evoke victimhood, despair and other negative emotions.
In the midst of this miasma of emotional appeals, the immobile face of John Kerry appeared. The former secretary of state explained why Orange Man Bad with all the aloofness and condescension that cost him the presidency in 2004.
“On June 6th, 1944, young Americans gave their lives and the beaches of Normandy to liberate the world from tyranny. Out of the ashes of that war we made peace and rebuilt the world. That was, and remains exceptional. It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump stands for,”spoke the saturnine countenance in a rare display of candor.
Kerry gave up the game. In a few short sentences he summed up the globalist project the Washington establishment has been pursuing for 75 years.
Since the end of World War II, one administration after another, Democrat and Republican, saw it as “our” duty to “rebuild the world.”
First it was Europe and Japan that needed rebuilding, so we gave them our automobile and consumer electronics industries. Then it was Korea and the Third World, so we gave them steel and textiles and garments. Then the pashas of the global empire decided we could rebuild China in our image and gave them whatever was left to give. The American middle class crumbled.
It was all done under the rubric of global free trade, the label slapped on agreements including GATT, the WTO, NAFTA and the TransPacific Partnership.
California U.S. Rep. Bertrand Gearhardt saw what was up with the “free trade” game as far back as 1947. When Congress debated the “Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act,” Gearhardt predicted, “When the truth is told and the facts become known, the trade-agreements program will be revealed as … no less than a plot to merge the American economy with that of the world. This, despite an inevitable destruction of our standard of living, our high wage scales, and our most favorable working conditions, in all of which is inextricably involved the American way of life.”
While rebuilding the world, the bipartisan foreign policy establishment “made peace” by destroying traditional cultures and creating refugee crises at every stop with endless war in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Latin America.
“It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump stands for,” said John Kerry in a rare moment of truth in a proceeding packed with lies.
Yes, President Donald J. Trump opposes the neoconservative nation-building, democracy-exporting and regime changing crusades that have had a death grip on generations of young American men and women. He wants to bring our troops home.
Yes, President Trump opposes the neoliberal sovereignty-eating international agreements that have sent our jobs and industries to cheap foreign labor camps in the Third World. He opposes the notion that our government should rebuild the world. He wants to rebuild America.
For three quarters of a century, members of the Washington establishment, a government-industrial complex including academia, think tanks, defense contractors, military, lobbyists, media and politicians Democrat and Republican, have staked and made their fortunes on this “rebuild the world, kill for peace” imperial project.
Donald J. Trump opposes it.
That’s why the Washington establishment hates him – and why the American people elected him.