Stress over coronavirus coverage spurs most Americans to stop watching nightly news

By Around the Web

(STUDY FINDS) — NEW YORK — There’s no question the coronavirus pandemic is dominating the daily news headlines throughout 2020. Those nonstop updates on COVID-19 however, aren’t making anyone feel better about their life in quarantine. A new survey finds the majority of Americans feel no news is better than any news at all before bed. Six in 10 respondents say the coronavirus news cycle negatively impacts their mental health.

The OnePoll survey of 2,000 Americans also reveals 57 percent no longer watch the nightly news because it stresses them out. Researchers, commissioned by Mattress Advisor, find all this stress is affecting sleep habits across the country. Over half the poll believes pandemic-related stress is ruining their nightly sleep cycle.

When it comes to sleep, 78 percent agree good mental health plays a major role in how restful their night is. Despite this, over 40 percent say their current sleep schedule is the biggest stress point in their life. Work life problems, financial trouble, and issues with their sex lives are also causing Americans stress during the pandemic.

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