Seven years ago, during a meeting with new Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, then-Vice President Joe Biden asked Xi to help him become America’s president. China now appears to be doing so.
Biden helped the Marxist dictatorship gain permanent most-favored-nation status in the World Trade Organization (WTO), gain exemption-from-audit for its companies on American stock exchanges and gain 3.5 million once-American industrial jobs, creating China’s wealth and power.
China gave Biden’s son Hunter $1.5 billion – the largest cash bribe in world history to one politician’s family. This bribe makes Joe Biden a blackmail-susceptible China puppet.
If Xi Jinping helps make Biden president of the United States, it would end America as the leader of the Free World. We would be ruled and ruined by the Chinese Communist Party and by Marxists who have hijacked our Democratic Party. China would rule the world by 2048.
So how is China waging war on President Donald Trump and helping elect Biden?
1. CHEMICAL WARFARE. China’s “Opium War” has flooded the U.S. with the opioid fentanyl, killing 65,000 Americans each year – more than died during the entire Vietnam War.
This highly addictive substance devastates American lives and economic productivity. George Floyd walked around for minutes, saying “I can’t breathe,” before a Minneapolis policeman put a knee to his neck. Floyd’s autopsy showed that he took three times the lethal dose of illicit fentanyl, which slows and stops breathing. But nobody on the left blames China for Floyd’s tragic death.
A coalition of Marxist-founded Black Lives Matter, Marxist guerrilla group Antifa and the pro-Chinese Maoist group Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) used this incident, as Tucker Carlson says, to wage violent class war, disguised as race war, against cops and American capitalism. This unholy trinity of evil did the same to Kenosha, Wisconsin.
2. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Humans have always caught common colds from coronaviruses, but the coronavirus disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is reportedly far deadlier and can in some people do lifelong damage to the heart or brain. It mutates rapidly, roughly every two weeks. This has led some scientists and the former head of Great Britain’s intelligence service MI-6 to suspect that this is not a natural virus, but a weaponized product of Chinese biological warfare.
Comic Bill Maher said that President Trump could be defeated only by destroying his record-setting prosperity. Leftist mayors and governors colluded with China’s COVID-19-induced economic warfare by coercively shutting down businesses and schools. Los Angeles County’s health director let slip that the lockdown will continue until “after we are done with the [November] election.”
But we no longer have an “Election Day,” because the virus pandemic has unleashed Democratic voting by mail vulnerable to massive voter fraud and election theft. China has helped Biden and his leftist handlers steal future elections and our democracy, starting this November.
3. STEALING AMERICA BY TERRORISM AND CRIME. Black Lives Matter, linked to 91 percent of recent riots, has diverted its website fundraising to the Democratic site ActBlue, which has given hundreds of millions to the Biden campaign. But ActBlue admits that it cannot tell whether a donor is American or foreign – so a large share of its Biden funding may come from foreign nations such as Communist China. (The url switches viewers directly to a Biden fundraising site.)
The violence of these groups terrifies millions of people out of displaying a Trump sign or bumper sticker, thereby choking off our freedom of speech.
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is spending $100 million in Florida to elect Biden, and $20-$50 million to pay the fines of 31,000 Florida felons (who vote up to 88-95 percent Democrat, likewise believing in redistributing your wealth by coercion) so that they can vote for Biden.
But buying votes is a felony. If Bloomberg spent just one day in jail for each of his 31,000 planned felonies, he would spend more than 84 years in prison. Bloomberg makes a hefty chunk of his fortune in China.
China is undermining our culture, writes Jason Whitlock of, and this “culture war has moved to our arenas and stadiums,” controlling “the National Basketball Association and its de facto parent company, Nike, the same way it rules Hollywood. … Both Nike and the NBA kowtow to China, which explains their silence on the horrific human rights abuses inside China.” Some Nike products are made by Chinese Muslim slave labor.
LeBron James and many other China profiteers attack President Trump and America, and back China Joe Biden.
Lowell Ponte is a former Reader’s Digest Roving Editor. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and other major publications. His latest paper co-authored with Craig R. Smith, “The Secret War,” shows how to rethink several areas of investment to protect and grow your savings against little-known economic threats. For a free, postpaid copy, call toll-free 800-630-1492.