Judge refuses to hold John MacArthur in contempt without trial

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(CAPSTONE REPORT) Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church avoided being held in contempt of court Thursday when a Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge ruled he was entitled to a full trial on the contempt issue—something unlikely to happen until 2021. And Dr. John MacArthur pledged Grace Community Church would continue to meet.

“We are holding church,” Pastor John MacArthur said. “The Lord Jesus requires us to meet together and we will continue to do that because we are commanded to and because it is our right.”

Lawyers for Los Angeles County wanted the pastor and church held in contempt of court for conducting indoor worship services despite a COVID-19 Pandemic limits on worship services. A hearing was held last week on the contempt issue and LA Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff issued the ruling today.

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