(NEWS BUSTERS) – As Judge Amy Coney Barrett is rumored to be one of President Trump’s likely nominees to replace recently departed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal media are in overdrive trying to tear her down and ruin her path to the nomination.
Since they won’t be able to fabricate last minute hazy allegations of drunken teenaged groping against a female candidate, the liberal media are instead going on the attack against Barrett’s religion, trying to portray the devout Catholic mother of seven as belonging to some kind of religious extremist cult a la the evil theocracy in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian The Handmaid’s Tale. Literally.
On Monday, a Newsweek article by Khaleda Rahman breathlessly hyped “How Amy Coney Barrett’s People of Praise group inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale'” only to soon after append a correction all the way at the end.