Ammo shortage expected to last into 2021

By Around the Web

(NEW AMERICAN) – Ammunition manufacturers in the United States are struggling mightily to keep up with increased demand. The National Rifle Association’s news outlet, Shooting Illustrated, reports that the “current ammunition shortage may continue at least until 2021 — perhaps longer.”

Uncertain times in 2020 have driven an increased desire to own guns and, hence, the ammunition needed for those weapons. Increased gun and ammunition sales were initially fueled by uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the government imposed lockdowns that began in March. The ongoing civil unrest precipitated by the death of Minneapolis criminal George Floyd in police custody in May only exacerbated the situation.

One Scottsdale, Arizona, based ammunition manufacturer, Ammo Incorporated, is currently facing an $80.1 million backlog in orders despite working around the clock.

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