Concerns over Biden capital gains tax hike spark avalanche of private company sales

By Around the Web

(ZEROHEDGE) – As part of his proposed tax reform, Joe Biden would increase the maximum tax rate for long-term capital gains by a whopping 66%, from 20% currently (23.8% when accounting for the additional 3.8% ACA tax) to as high as 39.6%, for those making over $1 million or for proceeds of a business sale over $1 million. A summary of the changes tot he US tax code under a Biden admin is shown below.

Ehile this cap gains increase wouldn’t affect most small-timer Robinhood traders (except for the really talented ones), it would have a drastic hit on major market players and corporate strategies involving exit events that include more than $1 million in proceeds, as the following analysis from Benchmark Corporate showed: assume a $2.0M EBITDA (small or medium) business receives a valuation multiple of 10x for a total transaction value (taxable gain) of $20.0M. Under the Biden Plan, the seller would lose $3.92M in the sale. To receive the same net proceeds, a multiple of 13.2x would need to be secured.

Yet while the media may be ignoring the gamut of tax implications a Biden presidency would unleash, bankers have been busy generating fees from the upcoming tax law overhaul, and as Reuters reports investment bankers have a simple pitch to their corporate owner clients: hire us to sell your company now or pay at least twice as much in taxes if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has his way.

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