Meghan Markle’s ego left ‘raging’ after being told she’s ‘not the only powerful woman’

By Around the Web

(LIFEZETTE) – Last week, Meghan Markle spoke at Fortune’s virtual summit from her mansion in Santa Barbara, California. Now, a body language expert is claim that during the summit, Meghan showed signs that she “doesn’t like being told she’s not the only powerful woman.”

While speaking at the summit, Meghan said that she pays no attention to “flattery or criticism” before attacking the media for “misinterpreting” remarks she has made in order to make them sound more “controversial” or “inflammatory.” Afterwards, body language expert Bruce Durham told The Mirror that not all of Meghan’s interview was as authentic as she would have us believe.

Durham noticed that Meghan seemed to be visibly uncomfortable when Fortune senior editor Ellen McGirt told her she’s “not the only powerful woman involved in this equation.”

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