Prominent Saudi journalist warns Biden would bring ‘chaos’ to world

By WND Staff

President Trump’s administration recently brokered three Middle East peace agreements between Arab nations and Israel, and one prominent Saudi Arabian journalist is suggesting he be given time to do more.

Because the alternative is a return to Barack Obama’s “political, economic, and healthcare distortions” through the candidacy of his vice-president, Joe Biden.

In an era when foreign intervention in American elections is of prime concern, Saudi journalist Badr bin Sa’ud is openly advocating for one result.

“Biden served as vice president under Obama for eight years, and electing him means recreating the same experience, with all its accompanying political, economic, and healthcare distortions. In his campaign and in interviews, [Biden] stresses that U.S. administration’s priorities, [thereby] recalling its alliance with Qatar and the [Muslim Brotherhood][ as part of the failed Arab Spring plan, and its use of the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel and its Arab and English staff as a media arm for [promoting this plan] and sowing political and economic chaos and destruction in the Arab countries… The Arab Spring was bait that the Arabs swallowed. It wasn’t a natural historical episode, nor even a wave of social uprisings motivated by economic and political factors,” he wrote, according to a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute.

He wrote in Al-Riyadh: “America’s relationship with the MB goes back to the 1950s… Britain financed the founding of this organization in 1928. Members of the organization immigrated to the U.S. 70 years ago and attained senior positions in academic and ideological institutions, at consulting firms and in influential think tanks. This has enabled them to play a significant role in thwarting U.S. decisions aimed at harming their allies, especially Iran, Turkey, and Qatar. Biden’s running mate [Kamala] Harris said that America’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran was unfortunate, which means that if Biden wins, America may return to the [nuclear deal] and to [the alliance with] the MB.

“Obama formed an alliance with the MB, helped them to play a role in shaping America’s policy vis-à-vis the Arab countries, and supported their plans in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria during the Arab Spring… Moreover, during his term in office, the Democrats opposed designating the MB as a terror organization, and they still maintain this position, claiming that the MB has become the government, or part of the government, in several Arab countries.

“The political Islam movements clearly support Biden’s campaign and oppose the reelection of Trump, since it is known that he [Trump] has no friendly ties with them and will act to remove them completely. This is because [MB] elements are behind most of the attacks in the Western media on the Gulf states and the Arab region, and that they have a strong presence in the U.S. Departments of Treasury and State. The Arab countries should therefore file a lawsuit against Qatar, the Democratic Obama administration, and the MB in the U.S., demanding moral and financial damages for the harm caused by the Arab Spring.”

He warned that elections do not always change things for the better, “as shown by Hitler who established Nazism, governed the Germans with an iron fist, and dragged Germany into World War II.”

MEMRI explained: “As the U.S. presidential election approaches, and in light of the polls indicating a lead for Democratic candidate Vice President Joe Biden, the Saudi press is publishing numerous articles about the election and each candidate’s chance of winning. Most Saudi journalists hope for the reelection of the incumbent President Donald Trump, inter alia because of his aggressive position vis-à-vis Iran. Many of the writers expressed negative views regarding the era of President Obama, when Biden was vice president; they condemn that administration’s policies, including the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran that Obama promoted and what they said was the Democrats’ support for the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and warned that these policies could be revived under a Biden presidency.”

MEMRI reported, however, that other articles in the Saudi press “sought to allay concerns and downplay what they called the danger of a possible Biden win. For example, Saudi journalist Muhammad Aal Al-Sheikh wrote in his column in the Al-Jazirah daily that while a Trump victory is definitely in Saudi Arabia’s interest, a Biden win would not necessarily be a catastrophe, because some think that Biden is more of a moderate than Obama was.”

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