OK – I did my duty and watched the vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris – but I could have done without Harris’ constant smirking. As a long-time Californian, I’m familiar with Harris’ liberal history and her politics, so nothing she would say or do could surprise me.
I knew going in that nothing would change my mind as to how I’ll vote on Election Day – and I will go to the polls and vote in person.
I never vote by mail – because I don’t trust the Post Office. I’ve endured so many of their mistakes in deliveries over the last couple of years, I worry about anything I mail – from bill payments to personal correspondence. They manage to screw it all up, repeatedly.
So, after watching Mike and Kamala go at it, I realized nothing had changed and California politics have thoroughly infiltrated the national ticket, continuing the Obama “legacy.” Media coverage of this debate and the debate between Trump and Biden proves the point.
We’re dealing with the most biased media this country has ever endured. I worked in television news and radio news for a very long time, and I will tell you that the control the leftist media has over the news that’s reported to the public is almost beyond belief.
So much of what we’re dealing with is the effort of the left to perpetuate the mythology they generated about the entire life and career of Barack Obama. The left is still patting themselves on the back that they elected the “first black president,” and they’ll never let us forget it.
If you really want your eyes – and mind – opened as to how the leftist media have controlled what we’ve been “allowed” to know about Barack Obama, his political history, presidency and his ongoing influence on Democratic politics you need to read a new book by fellow WND columnist Jack Cashill. It’s titled “Unmasking Obama: The Fight To Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency.” I couldn’t put it down.
Jack Cashill is more than qualified to write about this. An Emmy-award winning documentarian and author, he is a long-time writer, reporter and historian of politics and current events. It doesn’t hurt that he has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American Studies and was a Fulbright Lecturer in France at the universities of Nancy and Strasburg.
As I read “Unmasking Obama,” it brought back memories of the Obama administration, the news stories that scarcely hit the headlines and those that did, and how the media slanted their coverage to make sure there were never any Obama “scandals.”
Think about it. All you hear today is that Obama never had any scandals. Really? That’s because everything about Obama and his family are sacrosanct, and any criticisms of his administration or questions about his history are simply not tolerated.
Any efforts to ask questions about what happened at Benghazi – or what Fast and Furious was – or the role of Russia and any connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama – or what the connection between Obama and Bill Ayers – or the hidden scandal about Obama’s passport – or his connection to Saul Alinsky and his political philosophy – or what Obama is doing now to smear Trump – is shut down. There is so much more, and most of it you’ve never heard anything about.
That’s because mainstream media are in the pocket of the left’s power-brokers – from politicians to big money in business, entertainment and the social media. They are, in reality, controlling history – from the time events happened to what is “remembered” in the history books.
But that doesn’t apply to “Unmasking Obama” in which Cashill goes through Obama’s personal and political life and how he controlled what took place and how the American people were allowed to know – or not know – what really happened. It’s not a pretty picture, and I realized it as I read it. I remembered what I thought happened, but Jack Cashill provides the details hidden by the left and shows that reality was different
If you are a conservative, you will appreciate the revelations as you recall what you thought you knew about Barack Obama and these news events.
If you’re a liberal, you might question some of the information because it conflicts with what you were allowed to know (or not know, as the case might be) via the media – but if you are an honest liberal, you will recognize that you’ve been had.
In fact, we’ve all been had – and if you are paying attention to the politics surrounding Donald Trump, you will soon realize that the ongoing smears of the president, from the so-called Russian Dossier to Ukraine and everything else, stem mostly from the machinations of Barack Obama through the Democratic Party, the Deep State and all with the help of the leftist media. “Unmasking Obama” reveals that reality.
As the campaign moves toward Election Day, we’ll see more animosity between the two parties, but keep in mind, the source of most of the anti-Trump sleaze – if not all – comes from a certain ex-president who pretends his hands are clean and that he’s above it all.
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