Now that President Trump has returned to the White House after a very brief bout of COVID-19, the left is predictably unhinged. The left’s reactions are exactly what we would expect them to be when a lone individual, the most hated man in their universe no less, single-handedly destroyed their narrative that to contract COVID-19 is to be sentenced to death.
The left has worked very, very hard crafting this narrative so that it operates on an emotional level, because they know the facts won’t cut it for them. Their allied propaganda outlets have terrorized the American people day after day with body counts reminiscent of the Vietnam War. Leftist politicians have closed everything they could for as long as possible. Several leftist governors actively increased the body counts in big ways by ordering COVID-positive patients to be housed in nursing homes full of vulnerable victims. CDC is clearly using cooked numbers.
So, for a single man to utterly obliterate the left’s COVID narrative in just a few short days is simply too much for them to handle. What began as rapturous jubilation on news that the president had contracted the disease quickly morphed into mass scrambling to delete barbarically crass celebratory tweets, and then finally developed into complete unhinged-ness upon news that not only is the president not going to die from COVID-19, he is already back to work at the White House. The emotional roller coaster for the left has been down right violent when it comes to the president’s bout with COVID.
And now they’re left asking how the left’s most hated person in the entire universe not only escaped death, but destroyed their months and months of hard work in terrorizing the nation – and asking how this is even possible unless Trump faked the disease and got the entire staff of Walter Reed hospital to go along. Orange-man-bad was supposed to die, but he didn’t even go on a ventilator for crying out loud!
As bizarre as the left’s lamentable questions are to normal people, at least they can all be answered in a single word: science.
You see, science has been telling us all along that the vulnerable populations are the elderly and those with significant comorbidities. Science has been telling us all along that influenza is more lethal to America’s students than SARS-CoV-2. Science has been telling us all along that the fatality rates scale non-linearly by increased age and comorbidity. And science has been telling us all along that the vast majority who get COVID recover in a few days.
But the leftist political class doesn’t listen to science in order to heed it, they only listen to science to try to exploit it politically. These people are more interested in listening to propaganda theorists who say that if they deal with people on an emotional level, they can position themselves to impose a relationship over entire swaths of the population that looks a whole lot like Stockholm Syndrome, and ultimately lock in their votes despite what the facts are concerning the issues.
It’s a simple and well-known recipe: terrorize and abuse their mental captives on an emotional level while claiming solidarity and commitment to fight hard on their behalf, all the while crafting policies behind the scenes that work against the victims. It’s not like we haven’t seen all of this before.
Over a long enough period of time, the victim class begins to show affinity for their mental captors and abusers. They begin to resent and resist anyone trying to actually help them. And they eventually begin to believe that their abusers hold the same values and beliefs that they do. All classic symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.
And the end goal today is the same as it has always been for the left: to take everything away from the victim class, make them 100% dependent upon the government, and secure their votes forever when the victims see the providers of continued handouts as their only hope.
When the left has controlled this perverse cycle, they have successfully entrapped entire swaths of our population. This is why the left is now terrorizing the entire populace with body counts, why they’re abusing the entire populace with lockdowns and prosecutions, and why they claim to be fighting hard to protect the entire populace from the dangers that are terrorizing us, while implementing policies like nursing home mandates behind the scenes that make matters worse.
So, the left’s current meltdown makes perfect sense given that the president just single-handedly pulled the plug on their efforts to subjugate the entire nation under a curse of mass Stockholm Syndrome.
Granted, a good number have already succumbed as evidenced by the numbers of people terrorized to the point of driving around in their Biden/Harris bumper-stickered cars wearing a mask with windows rolled up, a death grip on the steering wheel and not another soul in the car. But a much, much greater number has just seen unfettered reality for the first time in months, and now they are done with the left.
They see that while SARS-CoV-2 is a clear and present danger for those who have significant comorbidities and advanced age, they also see that the actual science shows a problem that the overwhelming majority of us can live with.
Science is about taking the numbers and placing them in a scientific context so we can determine a rational interpretation of the numbers. Science is not about placing the numbers in an emotional context and creating mass hysteria for political gain. That’s called propaganda. And people today want rational science more than ever, not the left’s emotional extremism and propaganda.
Many have argued forcefully that the terrorizing of America and the subsequent lockdowns have dwarfed the problems caused by the virus itself. Now that the shroud of terror has been torn away, perhaps our nation will move forward from its leftist-imposed purgatory of emotional terrorism.
We know what the science has been telling us all along. All we have to do is listen to it. We need to protect our vulnerable, use reasonable precautions and resume our activities. Thanks to the president’s short ordeal, perhaps we can now return to a national state of rational thought and coherent policies.