Black activists in Portland ‘want nothing to do’ with city’s leftists anarchists

By Around the Web

(ZEROHEDGE) – The black activist community in Portland is putting some distance between itself and the anarchists roaming the city, using the @safePDXprotest Twitter account to mobilize.

That’s because the election of Joe Biden, seen as a victory by many protesters and by many in the Black Lives Matter movement, simply isn’t enough for the anarchists in Portland. In fact, Biden’s election actually “exposed their differences with the Black activists they claim to support,” according to the LA Times.

The group of anarchists, very likely unsure of exactly what they are protesting for at this point, recently gathered after Joe Biden’s “victory” in the most recent election. Spurred by a call to action by the Twitter account, about 50 people gathered around one “young man” to lambaste “liberals for celebrating the defeat of President Trump while capitalism and the political system remained entrenched.”

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