(ZEROHEDGE) – While millionaires usually say their vast wealth was forged with incredible grit, determination, and perseverance, at least one newly minted millionaire in Indonesia had a bit of luck as a $1.8 million meteorite crashed through his tiny metal hut.
Rags to riches is the story for Josua Hutagalung, 33, an Indonesian man living in a small metal hut in North Sumatra, who, as early as August, became a millionaire, literally overnight, after a 4.5 billion-year-old space rock crashed through his roof, according to The Sun.
Hutagalung, who was across the street at the time of the incident, said, “I was working on a coffin near the street in front of my house when I heard a booming sound that made my house shake. It was as if a tree had fallen on us.”