James Dobson previously described Joe Biden’s delared support of transgender surgery for children as “lunacy.”
Now, the evangelical leader is warning of much more to come should the Democratic ticket be confirmed the winner of the disputed 2020 election.
“I won’t speculate on the voting controversy,” he wrote in a newsletter to supporters. “If, however, American citizens have handed over the reins of power to the Biden/Harris ticket, it is important that we examine the platform on which they ran. Elections have consequences, as we know.”
Dobson, the founder of the James Dobson Family Institute and the host of the “Family Talk” radio program, said the “promises made in writing and on the campaign trail should disturb every conservative Christian.”
He began with the “sanctity of life” issue, noting Biden “has told us emphatically that he will bring an open season on the unborn child.”
Dobson cited a LifeNews report of Biden’s abortion agenda:
- He will force Americans to fund abortions during his first week in office;
- He will implement abortion on demand nationwide without any limits;
- He will force Americans to fund Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider;
- He will force Christians such as the Little Sisters of the Poor to fund abortions in their health insurance plans;
- And he will stack the courts with pro-abortion judges who would keep abortions legal for decades to come.
“That should break the heart of every lover of God’s children,” Dobson wrote. “We, as American citizens, will be complicit in the deaths of millions. How can Joe Biden say he wants to be president of ALL the American people? What does he have to say to the half of us who vigorously oppose abortion on demand, paid for by taxpayers through nine months of pregnancy and perhaps beyond, in America and, by inference, in nations around the world?”
Dobson said that if Donald Trump “has been the pro-life president, Joe Biden will be the radical abortion president from his inauguration forward. If Biden does become president, I will do what I can to oppose his pro-death policies every day he is in office.”
But there’s more.
“Biden’s regime will also usher in other forms of moral depravity. For example, he recently suggested that kids as young as eight or ten years old should be able to undergo irreversible transsexual transformation. That’s what the man said! Kamala Harris, who may be our next vice president, said she wants this country to legalize all prostitution. What other moral outrage will come from this godless administration? Heaven only knows!”
Then there’s Biden’s support for “open borders,” which means “people around the world will be invited to enter this country legally and take up permanent residence within it. From the day of their arrival, they will be entitled to free welfare, free legal services, free medical care, free education, and who knows what else.”
And he will spend “trillions” on the “foolishness of the Green New Deal,” a plan that could bankrupt America.
“The institution of the family will find no friends in the White House or in the halls of Congress. Taxes are likely to skyrocket for middle-class parents and others. We can also expect unprecedented assaults on religious liberty and churches could be stripped of constitutional protection. Also at risk are our Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment, and other provisions within the U.S. Constitution. Democrats are talking about defunding the police and even the military. Radical change is about to descend on the nation. America is about to be over-run by the most leftist regime in history,” Dobson warned.
He said Trump is partly responsible for the “change of trajectory” over the last four years.
“I believe God gave America a spiritual reprieve” in an era that now apparently is passing, Dobson said.
He acknowledged Trump “isn’t a perfect man, and his relationship with the Lord is a very private matter.”
“But he attempted during the first four years of his presidency to get acquainted with, to honor, and to learn from Christian leaders,” Dobson said. “He is very close to Rev. Franklin Graham, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Rev. Paula White, Dr. Jack Graham, former Governor Mike Huckabee, and at least 30 others, including myself.”
He pointed out that Trump is the first president to celebrate the National Day of Prayer in the Rose Garden.
He is “the most pro-life president in American history. He is the only chief executive to have spoken at the March for Life, which is an annual remembrance of the millions of babies aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973. One of Trump’s most significant decisions has been the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to be an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. She never wavered on her pro-life beliefs even during her contentious confirmation hearings.”
The media and his political opponents “hammered him every day for four years.”
“There was never a respite. President Trump arose every morning knowing he would be unfairly ridiculed and attacked from morning to night. This criticism began before he was elected and continued throughout his presidency. Nevertheless, he stood like a rock and his list of accomplishments could fill a book,” Dobson said.
However, Dobson said, God is still “in charge.”
“I believe the Almighty has had His hand of protection on this land since the days of its founding fathers. Our ancestors cried out to Him at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Midway, and Normandy. I don’t believe He has forsaken us now. So how do we explain the predicament that confronts us? I don’t know. Millions of people have been praying about the outcome of this election because we knew it would have such profound moral and spiritual implications. But who can discern the mind of God?
“I grappled with such matters in my book, ‘When God Doesn’t Make Sense.’ I wrote one morning after pacing back and forth in my study, ‘We must never forget that He is God. He is majestic and holy and sovereign. He is accountable to no one. He is not an errand boy who chases the assignments we dole out. He is not a genie who pops out of the bottle to satisfy our whims. He is not our servant—we are His. And our reason for existence is to glorify and honor Him . . . even when nothing makes sense. I then heard Him say, ‘Trust Me.””
He pointed out he previously had condemned America’s “popular culture” as “utterly wicked.”
“If that is accurate, how could a nation murder 62 million babies, fresh from the hand of the Creator, without expecting judgment to fall upon them? Clearly, we stand guilty before Him. … If this explains the disaster that has now befallen this great nation, there is only one biblical response. It is repentance. It is for us to kneel humbly before our righteous and all-seeing God and beg for forgiveness, both corporately and individually. That alone will save us.”
Dobson has dedicated his career as a psychologist, Christian leader and broadcaster to “preserving the biblical institutions of marriage and family by encouraging, inspiring, supporting, and leading parents and children to build their lives on God’s Word.” His radio broadcasts are heard weekdays on more than 1,300 radio outlets. He’s written 71 books on the family, and he’s advised five U.S. presidents on family issues. Along with an earned Ph.D., he holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and reaches hundreds of thousands regularly with his newsletters.