A corrupt “cash-for-votes scheme” is hiding in plain sight in Nevada amid sworn allegations of vote fraud in favor of Democrat Joe Biden, according to John Daniel Davidson, political editor for The Federalist.
“Under the guise of supposedly nonprofit, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote campaigns, Native American voter advocacy groups in Nevada handed out gift cards, electronics, clothing, and other items to voters in tribal areas, in many cases documenting the exchange of ballots for ‘prizes’ on their own Facebook pages, sometimes even while wearing official Joe Biden campaign gear,” he writes.
“Simply put, this is illegal. Offering voters anything of value in exchange for their vote is a violation of federal election law, and in some cases punishable by up to two years in prison and as much as $10,000 in fines. That includes raffles, free food, free T-shirts, and so on,” he said.
Nevertheless, the Nevada Native Vote Project’s Facebook page “contains post after post of voters receiving something of value in exchange for proof they cast a vote or handed over an absentee ballot.”
In one post, he writes, two men display $25 Visa gift cards they received after dropping off absentee ballots.
Such activities already are the subject of a lawsuit filed this week by Republicans in Nevada who allege widespread voter fraud and irregularities. Another potential source of problems is the state system that mailed an absentee ballot to every registered voter this year, likely addressing many to people who no longer live in the state.
“The mass mailing of unsolicited ballots is of course a recipe for fraud, even more so in a state where the voter rolls contain tens of thousands of people who haven’t voted or updated their records in more than a decade. This is how you get dead people voting, as we reported here at The Federalist and as Tucker Carlson noted last week,” Danielson writes.
The evidence includes a post from Reno-Sparks Indian Colony spokeswoman Bethany Sam on video “offering T-shirts, stickers, jewelry, and thousands of dollars in gift cards to voters.”
“Some of these items appear to be part of a raffle, which Sam says voters can enter in person or by emailing or texting a picture of their absentee ballot, while other items are offered to anyone who shows up in person and votes.”
The question raised is who paid for everything.
The Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook page includes a post from Native Organizers Alliance. Funding for that group apparently comes from Native Vote, which is part of the National Congress of American Indians.
NCAL, in turn, gets its funding from tribes, charities, corporations and the federal government, whose agencies turned over some $3 million to NCAI, the group acknowledged.
Danielson says the get-out-the-vote efforts were far from nonpartisan, since Native Vote and NCAI have been partnered with a group called Four Direction, which directed donations through its website to a Democratic fundraising program.
Davidson reported the 60,000 Native American voters in Nevada are 3% of the state’s total voting population, or twice Biden’s current lead over President Trump in the state.
He pointed out “gift card and electronics giveaways” also have been reported in South Dakota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Washington, Michigan, Minnesota and Texas.
“Unfortunately, mainstream media outlets are not curious and refuse to report on any of this stuff. What’s described above is an egregious and totally transparent vote-buying scheme in Nevada that was likely undertaken on a similar scale across nearly a dozen other states, but you won’t read about it in The New York Times, or hear about it on CNN,” he said.