(CHRISTIAN HEADLINES) – Atop of the already mountainous archaeological and historical proof of Jesus’s existence, Israeli archaeologists have found yet another piece of evidence attesting to Jesus’s time on earth before being taken up. The piece is a 1,500-year-old inscription found in the Jezreel Valley that is apparently a dedication to the Messiah.
According to CBN News, “Excavators found the Greek inscription while digging in the village of et-Taiyiba. The inscription was engraved in stone in what is believed by researchers to be the remains of a Byzantine-era church.”
The full text of the inscription reads “Christ, born of Mary.” This work of the most God-fearing and pious bishop [Theodo]sius and the miserable Th[omas] was built from the foundation …Whoever enters should pray for them.” Theodosius was known as one of the first Christian bishops and researchers say he was the regional archbishop of Bet She’an, in which et-Taiyiba was inside of.