(21ST CENTURY WIRE) – After selling the public on the idea that vaccine will somehow liberate the people from the authoritarian COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the state, government and public health officials are now desperately trying to ‘process’ as many people as possible through their new vaccine conveyor belt system. But many young people are also aware that they are a statistically near zero risk of ever falling ill from coronavirus – an inconvenient fact which government and its media partners are actively trying to obscure now.
Apparently, the new experimental mRNA genetic ‘vaccine’ cocktail is so unpopular, that health workers have resorted to bribing the youth with recreational drugs in order to get them to take it.
However, alarming news about the safety of the experimental product is now coming out, including new reports from Norway where investigators are now looking into the the deaths of at least 23 elderly recipients of the Pifzer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine – where adverse reactions including fever, nausea and diarrhoea, appear to have followed the administration of the much-celebrated jab.