Liz Cheney should step away from GOP leadership

By Around the Web

(THE FEDERALIST) — Liz Cheney’s problems are piling up, according to Politico. The Republican Conference chair has lost the confidence of more than half of the members she purports to lead as the third-highest ranking GOP member in the House of Representatives. She has also garnered a primary challenge and censure back in Wyoming.

“There’s a lot of concern in the conference,” Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, an influential conservative leader, said about Cheney last week.

Much of the disappointment stems from her decision to give her full-throated support to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s rushed second impeachment of President Donald Trump days before he left office. Cheney sided with Democrats and the media in blaming Trump for a mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol.

A quickly thrown-together article of impeachment she voted for claimed that a mob was incited by Trump’s Jan. 6 speech near the White House, in which he explicitly told marchers to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” at the Capitol. Further reporting indicates that the group of rioters had pre-planned their attack and were beginning their breach of the Capitol while the president was still speaking more than two miles away, continuing to assert his case that the 2020 election had been stolen from him.

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