Poll: 77% of Americans oppose federal funding of abortions overseas

By Around the Web

(CNS NEWS) – A new poll shows that 77% of Americans “oppose” or “strongly oppose” using tax dollars to pay for abortions overseas, and 58% oppose using taxpayer money to pay for abortions in the United States.

Also, the poll shows that 70% of Americans oppose abortion if the child has Down Syndrome, and 65% “want Roe v. Wade reinterpreted to either send the issue to the states or stop legalized abortion.”

“This new information comes on the eve of both the March for Life and the anticipated Executive Order from President Biden that would repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy,’ thus opening the door for U.S. tax dollars to fund abortions internationally,” said the Knights of Columbus, which ordered the Marist poll, in a statement.

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