“… become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye are seen as lights in the world …” –Philippians 2:15
The United States of America is in the throes of a full-scale revolution. The new administration, which openly promises to transform America, rewrite her Constitution and “reimagine” all of her bedrock institutions, is being heralded by a shockingly totalitarian censorship campaign targeting everyone in opposition, from Donald J. Trump on down.
But this revolution is not new. For decades, our nation has been under covert, slow-motion assault by what we cryptically call “the far Left,” a religious-political movement fundamentally at war with both Christianity and America.
From the sexual revolution and the “marriage-is-legalized-rape” radical feminists of the 1960s, to today’s open love affair with socialism, sexual anarchy, abortion, identity politics, radical environmentalism and “defunding the police,” the Left has relentlessly pursued its goal, as Barack Obama put it, of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
And though President Trump fought mightily against this tide for four years, tirelessly pursuing a pro-life, pro-religious freedom, pro-Constitution, pro-America agenda, as of today the revolutionaries are wildly ascendent.
Consider that in the past year the radical Left – with whose cause Big Media, Big Tech, Big Education, Big Hollywood and the entire Democratic Party totally identify – has succeeded in:
* indicting the freest, most welcoming and least racist nation on earth as irredeemably racist;
* inciting violent Marxist revolutionaries to riot, vandalize, loot and burn America’s major cities;
* abandoning their former “safe, legal and rare” stance on abortion in favor of wanton celebration of late-term abortion up to the moment of birth and beyond;
* encouraging innocent children to irreversibly ruin their lives by chemically (and sometimes surgically) “transitioning” to the opposite sex – a scientific impossibility;
* using the COVID pandemic as a cover for imposing unprecedented totalitarian control over Americans; and
* gaslighting an entire nation by perpetrating the most wide-ranging, egregious and in-your-face election fraud in U.S. history while pretending disenfranchised American voters who simply want a fair and impartial investigation are the crazy ones, “trying to steal the election from Joe Biden.”
And that’s just for starters.
As America’s once-great middle class becomes crushed through endless COVID lockdowns, a wealthy and privileged globalist elite is not only growing ever richer and more powerful, but also strategically deploying COVID as a pretext for engineering what they call a “Great Reset” of the world – replacing capitalism with socialism. This is neither conspiracy theory nor partisan conjecture; the “Reset” movement’s leaders openly brag about it.
‘Evil in high places’
What Americans are beholding as the new year unfolds is more than just a host of extremely daunting circumstances brought about by corrupt, misguided and power-hungry people in leadership positions. Something else seems to be at work.
Consider that the well-intentioned but naïve liberal leaders of yesteryear are almost nowhere to be found. In their place are politicians, academics and media personalities whose breathtaking level of dishonestly and delusion (they talk earnestly about men becoming pregnant, they liken Trump to Hitler and they pretend the corrupt and shockingly senile Joe Biden is qualified to be president) suggests a surreal, dystopian, darkly spiritual dimension to the current troubled era.
In truth, Americans today are confronted with a maniacal revolutionary movement emanating from a full-bore rebellion against God Almighty and the essential foundation stones of Western Judeo-Christian civilization – from biblical morality, to “unalienable” individual rights, to equal justice under the law, to the color-blind society championed by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to the sacredness of children in the womb. After all, each of these priceless principles emanates directly from a deep recognition that human beings are created in the image of God – Imago Dei – and are therefore precious and of inestimable value.
Ironically, although atheist Karl Marx famously attacked religion and particularly Christianity as the “opium of the people,” he himself concocted the ultimate religious opiate: Marxism.
For although the fantasy-world promise of socialism was a “classless” society wherein all people are equal and cared for, in the real world, corrupt leftist-elite politicians like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are so dishonest and desperately addicted to power, their consciences so seared by decades of lying, that they retain zero capacity for genuinely caring about the “poor and disadvantaged.” It’s all an act.
Rather, the religion they preach – Marxism, socialism, progressivism, whatever the label – is just an opiate they cynically dispense to pacify and distract the masses, while they grow ever more wealthy, powerful and privileged, but inwardly ever more ugly, corrupt and self-deceived.
So now comes the big question: With such genuine wickedness openly manifesting in “the land of the free,” so much that it evokes the Apostle Paul’s admonitions about “powers and principalities” and “spiritual wickedness in high places,” what can good Americans do about the precarious state of their country? During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don’t pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond?
‘Uniquely blessed by God’
First, remember that our current time isn’t uniquely burdened by evil and misfortune. When Jesus Christ walked the earth two millennia ago, He and His Jewish countrymen lived under harsh Roman occupation, “individual rights” (including the right to vote) didn’t exist and most people were “poor and disadvantaged.” And then there was leprosy. Moreover, to make sure the rabble always knew who was in charge, the Romans routinely crucified people along the roadsides – escaped slaves, criminals and other “lowlifes,” and especially those they regarded as any sort of threat to Roman rule.
The intervening centuries have all too often presented equally daunting circumstances. While today’s coronavirus pandemic has taken several hundred thousand American lives, 14th century Europe had to contend with the Black Plague, which killed some 25 to 50 million people – and no treatments or vaccines. Then there have been the countless wars, the costliest being World War II with over 70 million deaths, including over 400,000 Americans. Indeed, the 20th century was the bloodiest in all of human history, dominated as it was by the ever-metastasizing Marxist cancer, which consumed an appalling 100-200 million lives.
Truth is, the human race is so regularly mired in intractable crises, one could reasonably conclude that crisis and chaos are the norm for humans, with societal peace and prosperity but rare and cherished aberrations.
And that may be the point: America has historically constituted one of those few extraordinary “cherished aberrations,” a nation uniquely blessed by God.
America was blessed by wise founders who crafted a magnificent Constitution to be the template for a government based on individual rights and ordered liberty, not the rule of kings and potentates. Blessed with a population willing to sacrifice 600,000 lives in a war that ended up expunging the evil of slavery. Blessed with an admirably resilient Judeo-Christian culture and a population genuinely in love with their country. Blessed with extraordinary natural resources, including more oil than Saudi Arabia. Blessed with unparalleled freedom and prosperity that to this day attract more immigrants to our shores than any other country in the world, by far.
Therefore, when they see their beloved country being stolen, defiled and “fundamentally transformed” as it is right now, right-thinking Americans feel compelled to defend her. But how?
First and most immediate: November’s election was a freak show featuring hands-down the most massive amount of voter fraud in Americans’ lifetimes. If the various states that permitted and encouraged election fraud – such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and others – aren’t compelled to play by the rules, America will never again be a unified, peaceful nation – ever. So that is job one.
Even setting aside the outrageous election abuses, the major news media and tech monopolies pre-rigged November’s contest long before Election Day by continually portraying Donald Trump as a Hitlerian, mentally ill traitor while casting the demented and spectacularly corrupt Joe Biden as a moral paragon and guarantor of national healing.
They all knew better, but they did it anyway.
However, a corrupt news establishment, a rigged election process, a radicalized Democratic Party and out-of-control Big Tech information gatekeepers are not our only problems.
America’s colleges and universities have become Marxist indoctrination centers. Our public elementary, middle and high schools teach our children that America is a racist nation. Even preschoolers are herded into public libraries where demonically possessed men pretending to be women – some of them convicted sex-offenders – are allowed to beguile, indoctrinate and corrupt these children’s tender little minds, while their clueless parents smile and nervously laugh.
Summarizing America’s current spiritual state, Los Angeles mega-pastor John MacArthur recently told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham: “America’s in a moral free fall. … You murder the babies in the womb. If they survive the womb, you try to seduce them into transgender sexual deviation when they’re young. If they survive that, you corrupt them with a godless education. If they survive that, you have divorce in the family. And if they grow to be adults, we drown them in a sea of pornography. This is a nation so far down in the sewer of immorality and wickedness that nothing surprises me.”
MacArthur is right, of course. Which means even if Trump had managed to remain in office for another four years and continued to turbocharge the U.S. economy as he did previously, America would remain in a state of “moral free fall.”
Try this thought experiment: Recall how Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court led to hordes of screaming people wildly pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court building, an epic mob scene reminiscent of something out of the French Revolution. And that was just over a nomination! Imagine what would happen if those rioters’ worst fears – the outlawing of abortion – actually came to pass. What if the Supreme Court actually repealed Roe v. Wade, or – to take the hypothetical even further – suppose the states actually amended the U.S. Constitution with a Human Life Amendment, outlawing abortion throughout the nation.
It would be a great day, of course – except America would be in a state of war, her streets unsafe, mass hysteria dominating public life every single day.
I think you get the picture. America has become a very broken nation, with millions of people utterly captive to bizarre, deceitful and deadly beliefs.
Thus, while we work and litigate and demonstrate and persuade and donate and pray for a turnaround on all the current battlefields – from election integrity to media corruption to abortion – what America really needs is indeed a revolution. But not a Marxist one.
Toward national revival
First, a word of warning to hotheads: Whereas civil disobedience in the manner of the Civil Rights Movement demonstrators of the 1960s can be a powerful force for good, awakening the conscience of a nation and bringing about truly positive change, angry and violent rebellion is not only counterproductive, it is precisely what the maniacal, power-obsessed Left wants.
That’s right. Although they will never admit it, it’s what they desire most of all. Why? Because it would enable them to point to “rightwing, white-supremacist extremists and terrorists” and say, “See! We told you all along that white-nationalist Trump-supporting fascists were the real problem!”
This is precisely why the left is forever fabricating and publicizing a never-ending array of “hate-crime” hoaxes, because they serve to validate their deranged narrative that conservatives, Republicans and Trump supporters are the real criminals, fascists and terrorists, and must be throttled at all costs. The left dreams of an unhinged, violent “rightwing” rebellion, as such would serve only to vindicate them and give them a lock on the power they crave.
As events unfold in the new year and beyond, bold strategies will emerge for restoring our nation, and patriotic right-thinking Americans will surely pursue them. Members of Congress and all state legislators will play pivotal roles, especially with regard to asuring free and fair elections, as will governors and mayors and indeed all elected office holders. Traditionally minded citizens will pursue parallel institutions to protect their children as well as their own wellbeing and sanity, from alternative educational modalities (homeschooling and private Christians schools) to alternative news media. Indeed, the American samizdat (that’s what the “underground” press, the only source of truthful news, was called in the former Soviet empire) must flourish, although it will have to endure more censorship and abuse as they perform their vital role of investigating corruption and truthfully keeping Americans informed.
In every area of life, Americans will have to bear up with grace and dignity in fighting the good fight. Citizens, the ultimate sovereigns in America’s unique constitutional system, who may be tempted to “drop out of politics” must do the opposite – vigorously exercising their sacred rights of voting, free speech, free association, freedom of worship, and to “petition the government for a redress of grievances” in every legal and moral way.
One final all-important point: Unlike virtually all other nations, the essence of America is not a common ethnicity but a common spirit – a grateful, liberty-loving, generous, essentially Christian spirit, which needs to burn more brightly now in America than ever.
Indeed, no real and lasting recovery is possible for America without a genuine spiritual revival. And each of us can and must play a key part in this revival. How? While we’re engaged on every battlefront – committed to work creatively and effectively, to educate and persuade, to enlighten and awaken, and to outthink and outmaneuver the demented Left – each of us needs, as Christ commanded, to “Let [our] light … shine before men,” always praying we can wage the battle righteously. And even praying for our enemies.
Christianity has historically grown during times of persecution, not only in numbers but in depth and sincerity. America’s coming days promise to be very tough ones, with much persecution directed toward those who dare speak the Truth. But if good people stand up for what is right, for their nation, for what is legal and proper and moral and good – and if they do it with faith in Almighty God that He may be glorified and His will ultimately triumph – they absolutely cannot lose.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28
Editor’s note: The preceding is the lead-off story in the current issue of Whistleblower magazine, compiled and edited monthly by David Kupelian. If you would like to explore this subject more deeply, read “TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA: How today’s breathtakingly corrupt politics and culture invite personal and national recovery.” The issue is also available in state-of-the-art digital form. Better yet, SUBSCRIBE TO WHISTLEBLOWER (print edition) and get 12 fantastic issues or else get an ANNUAL DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION.