(HOT AIR) – Most of New York City’s public schools offer a “gifted and talented” program for aspiring students. Yearly performance tests are offered to identify the kids who are overperforming in the standard disciplines. Those who qualify are entered into advanced placement programs with more demanding curricula, giving them an easier path to admission to better colleges. The programs are open to all and don’t cost anything extra, so every family has the opportunity to try to get their children in.
Unfortunately for Gotham’s parents, the results have failed to meet the expectations of the woke crowd running the city government. Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza have repeatedly complained that the testing program is “unfair” because the students who wind up in the program “don’t reflect the diversity of the city’s population.” In other words, not enough Black and Hispanic students wind up in the advanced programs. So how does the brain trust at City Hall plan to “fix” this issue? Easy as pie. They’re going to do away with the entrance tests:
“A big change is coming for New York City’s ‘gifted and talented’ programs for students. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza say the city will start phasing out the entry exam. Critics have said the composition of the programs do not reflect the city’s diversity.”