Democrat admits impeachment could be unconstitutional

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(FOX NEWS) — The hearings for the second impeachment trial of former President Trump start on Tuesday and Republicans are making it clear, even before they’re gaveled in, that they believe the result is predetermined.

“It’s a partisan farce,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said of the impeachment effort on “Fox News Sunday.” Paul added that he does not believe it’s possible Trump will be convicted.

“Zero chance of conviction,” Paul said when asked if he thinks there’s a chance the Senate could meet the 67-vote threshold to convict Trump. “Forty-five Republicans have said it’s not even a legitimate proceeding so it’s really over before it starts. As far as witnesses, I think unlikely to be witnesses; if they do want witnesses, there’s going to be so much evidence that the president had nothing to do with this.”

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