New lawsuit alleges Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine caused infertility, seizures

By Around the Web

(CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE) – Kayla Carrillo was 12 when she received the Gardasil HPV vaccine on Aug. 17, 2012. A happy, talented, physically active girl, Kayla enjoyed playing musical instruments and had early ambitions to study art.

Marlena Carrillo allowed her daughter Kayla to receive the Gardasil vaccine because she had seen numerous advertisements from Merck vouching for the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in preventing cervical cancer.

A day after the first injection, Kayla had a seizure-like episode which included a staring spell, facial swelling, slurred speech and a severe headache. She later developed severe migraine headaches, abdominal pain and a host of other debilitating health issues.

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