Prof launches website to track rise of Critical Race Theory at colleges

By Around the Web

(THE NEW AMERICAN) – Leftists have been using strained racial relations to force “Critical Race Theory” in all of America’s classrooms, but Cornell law professor William Jacobson is helping parents and students track the rise of the anti-American ideology in college classrooms through his newly unveiled website

The website is “an ongoing project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation,” a tax-exempt corporation that educates and informs the public on critical issues such as academic freedom and free speech. allows users to search their schools and review the steps being taken to mandate Critical Race Theory in every facet of the college experience.

“Critical race theory is not the traditional civil rights movement, which sought to provide equal opportunity and dignity without regards to race,” the website observes. “Rather, Critical Race Theory, and the training to implement it, is a radical ideology that focuses on race as the key to understanding society, and objectifies people based on race.”

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