Biden sued over decision to fund terrorists in violation of federal law

By Bob Unruh

President Joe Biden looks down at his notes during a meeting to discuss the reopening of schools with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Rochelle Walensky Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

President Biden has been sued for his decision to fund terrorism – a move that violates federal law.

The action comes from the American Center for Law and Justice over Biden’s announcement to Congress that his administration intends to send $125 million to “Palestine,” a “terrorist-supporting non-State that continually threatens and attacks our ally Israel.”

“The most nefarious thing about President Biden’s plan is that this means the U.S. will resume sending taxpayer funding to the Palestinian Authority, even though the PA has ties to terrorist groups like Hamas,” the ACLJ reported. “And worse, the president of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, has vowed to continue its deadly ‘Pay for Slay’ program, which pays millions of dollars to terrorists’ families for the killing of American and Israeli civilians.”

The organization charged, “Biden has essentially smacked every brave U.S. soldier and veteran in the face with his plan to send U.S. tax dollars to the Palestinian Authority which openly uses them to pay terrorists for killing Americans.”

The ACLJ said the Biden administration’s explanation is that it wants to “regain” the “trust and goodwill” of those supporting terror.

“By sending money to the PA, President Biden is directly violating the Taylor Force Act, a federal law which prohibits funding for the PA until it permanently ceases its behavior of incentivizing martyrs, i.e., terrorists. The ACLJ has long supported cutting off U.S. aid to the PA until the pay-for-slay bureaucracy is dismantled and the laws governing it are repealed,” the ACLJ noted.

The law is named after an American veteran, Taylor Force, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while Force was studying in Israel.

“In March 2016, a Palestinian terrorist went on a killing spree through the streets of Jaffa Port in Tel Aviv, Israel’s second largest city. Before being killed by police, he stabbed ten innocent civilians, including an American citizen, Taylor Force, who died before reaching the hospital. Mr. Force was a West Point graduate, a Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army, and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was in Israel as part of his MBA program at Vanderbilt University. He was survived by his wife, who was also injured in the terror attack,” the ACLJ said.

Then the PA “praised the terrorist as a martyr” and gave his family “a generous lifelong stipend,” the ACLJ said.

It explained under Biden’s agenda, “The PA will receive millions of American tax dollars to reward its murderers and terrorists.”

The ACLJ first filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding State Department records and communications on the plan.

But there wasn’t an adequate response so the lawsuit was filed.

“But once again, the Biden administration is not cooperating. The president’s team seems to have a philosophy of ‘if we ignore the problem, it will go away,'” the ACLJ said.

“Our lawsuit requests that the court order the Biden administration to cooperate with our FOIA and provide any and all documents requested in a timely manner,” the organization reported. “Sending aid money to the Palestinian Authority is a violation of the Taylor Force Act, and there must be accountability from the White House and the State Department. We will expose the president’s plan to help bankroll terrorists.”

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, now senior counsel for global affairs for the ACLJ, recently wrote with Taylor Force’s father, Stuart Force, that, “The Taylor Force Act corrected a profoundly immoral policy that had American taxpayer funds being laundered unwittingly through PA accounts to incentivize murder. The bill also offered a simple litmus test of the PA’s seriousness about making peace: If the PA cannot revoke the laws and infrastructure conferring special treatment for terrorists, then the PA itself remains an obstacle to the ‘peace process.'”

The Washington Free Beacon reported the Biden administration “privately confirmed to Congress … that the Palestinian Authority has continued to use international aid money to reward terrorists but said the finding won’t impact its plans to restart funding.”

And Palestinian Media Watch recently reported the PA was disguising its payments to terrorists.

The report said: “Palestinians released from Israeli prisons will be provided with special jobs within the PA. These 7,500 positions can only be held by those imprisoned by Israel, notably those who were convicted for terrorism offenses. By holding these special positions, the stipends will be disguised as paychecks, PMW alleged. The concealed stipends would frustrate interference by Israel, the U.S. or the EU.”

President Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize after his administration brokered four peace agreements between Israel and Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan. More agreements reportedly were in the works at the end of Trump’s administration.

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Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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