All free thinkers should stand with Israel

By Brent Smith

The so-called Palestinians could have had their own “homeland” long ago if it weren’t for “them Jews” and the Oppressor State, Israel. This, of course, is the worldwide conventional wisdom.

But as is most often the case, conventional wisdom is wrong. In fact it is the opposite of wisdom for anyone who cares to do just a little research and maintain an open mind.

I realize in this day and age, that’s a big ask.

The fact remains that there has never been a race of people so blindly oppressed and persecuted as the Jewish race, from the time of the Egyptian pharaohs to present day. The Jewish race has literally known nothing but oppression and hatred for its entire existence. And existence is the key word here. They’ve been the world’s most hated race for no other reason than that they exist.

Now, as for the poor Palestinian people – I wouldn’t feel too bad for them. Sure, they’ve been short-changed and oppressed, but not by them Jews and not by Israel.

They were given a chance at a “Two-State Solution” in 1948, when the United Nations divided up the territory from what was known as the “British Mandate for Palestine.”

The territory of the British Mandate for Palestine encompassed modern-day Israel, the so-called Palestinian territory and Transjordan. The area, post World War I, was controlled by the Brits from 1922 to 1948.

As an aside, there were no “Palestinian People” prior to 1964. The term was merely made up and popularized in the charter of the terrorist group called the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO. The charter was crafted by the KGB in Moscow, and the PLO council was handpicked by the Ruskies, included its leader, Yasser Arafat. The worldwide press adopted the name “Palestinian” in 1967.

Getting back to the magical “Two State Solution” that could have been. It would have been easy to just allow the Jews their own homeland and the Palestinian Arabs there own, as designed in 1948. But the Arabs, the Islamists, wanted none of it.

All of the neighboring Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against it. This was Israel’s War of Independence, in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war, and the Palestinian state never materialized. The Arab countries did not send help for the settlers that are today known as “Palestinians,” but rather sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. The Arabs failed, thus failing the Palestinian Arabs. As we still see today, blind hatred of the Jews trumped common sense and compassion for their own people.

But despite the outward hatred of the Jewish state, Israel continued to try to be accepting of Arabs in the region, giving them countless opportunities to coexist.

Decades ago, upwards of 40% of Palestinians worked in Israel, but by 1995 that number dropped to around 16%. Then came the erection of the border wall and permanent military checkpoints in 2003. Today, less than 10% of Palestinians living in the West Bank work in Israel.

And why is that? Well, it could be that Israel got tired of Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade terrorists breaching their borders and killing their citizens.

And what of the Hamas terrorists in Gaza? Hamas didn’t just take over Gaza by force. The Palestinians elected terrorism. Hamas swept parliamentary elections freely held in the Palestinian territories in 2006. At the time of its election, Hamas was well-known to be the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian terrorist wing, yet still they were elected.

This is why I don’t feel much compassion for the Palestinians and why, among other reasons, I continue to stand on the side of sanity – with Israel.

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Brent Smith

Brent Smith, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a constitutional conservative who advocates for first principles – the founders' original intent and enemy of progressives. He is former Navy and a martial arts expert. Smith considers himself just an average Joe with no formal journalism background – but rather than simply complain about the state of our nation, he took to the Internet to battle the left. Check out Brent Smith's blog. Read more of Brent Smith's articles here.

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