Rattle the left by infiltrating them

By Email to the Editor

Note: Send Email to the Editor to [email protected].

Thank you for the new Email to the Editor feature! Most publications have done away with that to save themselves time and effort. Unfortunately, that has also deprived citizens of the ability to participate in the public square, limiting it to “approved” voices of the elite.

Publications like WND, Gatestone Institute, Epoch Times and a few others are still a minority voice of truth in the public square. They are opposed by the majority leftist narrative that would try to bury them. I feel the solution to this must be for WND and its allies to break out of the “echo chambers” that tend to form around them, that consist only of people who agree with the conservative viewpoint. Instead, it’s time to go on the offensive and penetrate into the leftist publications with effective counterweights to their narratives, so as to sow doubt and conflict in the naive liberal minds that read them. After all, this is how the left took over the mainstream narrative in America in the first place with the Marxist notion of class struggle.

To do this, conservatives need to start studying the internal conflicts within the liberal and leftist positions and find ways to exploit those conflicts to split their movement, just as the left has done with our society using labor and race grievances. Then they need to find any liberal or leftist publications that allow reader comments and subscribe to them as infiltrators, so that they can then inject questions the publications can’t answer without self-contradiction or hypocrisy. This has to be done in a subtle and skillful manner to avoid being canceled by the censors.

Not many of today’s Republicans or other conservatives are up to this task, let alone a Trump mentality. It would best be done by those who were once communists or lived under communism, so that they understand the sly propaganda methods. Therefore, I recommend WND reach out to its readers and solicit input from those who have witnessed the nature of communism and can articulate effective responses using the language and jargon of the left.

This is in effect “reverse propaganda” and requires a new kind of conservative who can approach the battle for the mind as a clandestine infiltrator.

Ron Purcell

The war for Taiwan: Is it imminent?

China’s warlike behavior toward Taiwan and her continued threats of forced “reunification” will shortly come to fruition. Though the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Combatant Command suggests a timeline out to 2026, the previous intelligence estimate for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan was 2020. It was at this point that the U.S. Navy would be at its lowest numbers and China would be numerically dominant in its home waters.

China has long desired a reestablishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere with themselves at the head. This was the imperialist dream of pre-WWII Japan to control the western Pacific from the Kuril Islands east to New Guinea and the Philippines, South to Indonesia, Malaysia, and west to Burma and east India and everything in between. And within the first six months of World War II, Japan nearly achieved it.

What prevented a 2020 Taiwan invasion was one man; Donald Trump. With him at the helm, China did not know what the outcome of their war might be. Thus, the sabotaging of the 2020 presidential election with the complicity of the Democratic Party and their RINOcrat sycophants. By whatever means and for whatever purposes our politicians did China’s bidding to ensure that there would be no U.S. interference to China’s plans. The recent gas pipeline hacking and the White House recommendation to pay the ransom is indicative of Biden’s lack of resolve to defend Taiwan.

The initial attack will probably be a replay from 80 years ago, taking place during a weekend or holiday (9/11/21 is on a Saturday) such as Christmas or New Year’s Eve when most of the world has stood down. The strike will be as quick as Pearl Harbor, and the United States will do little or nothing but diplomatic protests. If Taiwan actually mounts a defense, the world may see the first use of wartime atomic weapons since 1945. China has already threatened to use them at sea against any naval resistance.

If China is successful, it will corner 75% of the commercial markets in the Pacific and place South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan and Singapore (all of the industrial countries in the region) under Beijing’s influence and control (e.g., the new Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere). With no nukes of their own they will submit to China’s demands. This will place China in control of the sea lanes into and out of the western Pacific and will immediately impact production/availability of automobiles, electronics, power production, construction materials, health and food processing industries, microprocessors and rare-earth elements used in a host of trades. It would touch over 60% of the businesses in the U.S. overnight and make the current chip shortage seem like child’s play.

And in one fell swoop of just a few days the influence, prestige, diplomatic and economic might of the U.S. will be reduced to that of Poland or Hungary. We could see larger unemployment than experienced during the worst of the Depression.

Maureen Yoke

Logic has gone missing

A couple weeks ago, I was listening to a local talk radio personality talking about the latest CDC guidelines. From the beginning of the vaccine rollout, they said we would have to continue with the guidelines. That made no sense to me. If the vaccine works, you have nothing to fear from the virus. If you do not get the vaccine, it is your choice – but the immunized have nothing to fear from those people.

The host was saying the liberals were all for wearing masks after being vaccinated. Two weeks later they are up in arms because they do not know who is vaccinated.

So my question is, whatever happened to herd immunity? Why must everyone receive an injection? What is in that stuff that they want everyone to have it in their body? Maybe I am being paranoid, but there is no reason for everyone to have a shot after herd immunity kicks in.

Dr. Fauci seems to think people will get the shot so they do not have to wear a mask. I have news for him, I am not vaccinated AND I do not wear a mask. So why would I get the shot? Where is my benefit?

People, it is time to question how much of this is necessary and what happened to the science and logic.


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Email to the Editor

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