Sink your teeth into this: ‘Majorgate’ lawsuit filed on Biden’s biting dog

By WND Staff

Biden family dog Major sees a tennis ball next to President Joe Biden on the Resolute Desk Thursday, March 4, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

In an investigation of what is being called “Majorgate,” a government watchdog has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for the records of the biting incidents involving Joe Biden’s dog, Major.

Judicial Watch said its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeks the records of the communications involving the Secret Service members assigned to the White House when the Biden dog bit two people.

The lawsuit followed the decision by the Secret Service not to process records requests in a timely manner.

The Secret Service said it found relevant records but did not produce them.

WND reported in March when, for the second time, Major sank his teeth into a federal worker.

The dog bit a National Park Service employee who was working on the South Lawn of the White House. The employee was taken to the White House medical unit and treated, the report said.

A spokesman for Jill Biden, Michael LaRosa, suggested the animal is “still adjusting to his new surroundings.”

He said the dog “nipped” someone.

But it was the same dog, a 3-year-old German shepherd, that previously bit another victim and was sent back to the family’s estate in Delaware for a time.

The report said Major received training within the last two weeks after a separate biting incident.

It was March 8 when Major caused an injury to a Secret Service worker.

Press secretary Jen Psaki claimed the injury was “minor” and blamed it on Major “getting acclimated.”

Judicial Watch also is seeking records regarding the Biden’s older German shepherd, Champ.

Biden claimed Major is “a sweet dog.”

“The public has a right to know the details about any incident in which Secret Service personnel were injured by President Biden’s dog,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We have no doubt that Major and Champ are good dogs but politicians and bureaucrats can’t be trusted.”

Columnist Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner called the controversy “Majorgate.”

“While Major has been labeled as the biter in two cases, Judicial Watch also wants communications mentioning the second Biden German shepherd, Champ,” he wrote.

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