State steps in when feds give Title X money to abortionists

By Bob Unruh

President Trump successfully had worked to make sure federal Title X taxpayer money was not being used to fund abortions.

Joe Biden, when he moved into the Oval Office, immediately reversed that. It’s one of nearly a dozen ways President Biden is moving to cement a “legacy of death,” as critics have described.

But now one state has started a movement to protect its own taxpayers from that burden anyway.

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte on Thursday signed his state Legislature’s HB620, sponsored by Rep. Amy Regier, that ensures taxpayer dollars funding Title X family planning programs are kept separate from abortion-related activities.

“Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to subsidize the dangerous work of abortionists. HB 620 helps ensure that Montana women and families maintain access to quality, comprehensive healthcare, including family planning services,” said Denise Burke, a senior counsel to the Alliance Defending Freedom.

“It does so by prioritizing funding to primary and preventive healthcare providers and ensuring that Title X family planning funding and other healthcare funding streams are kept ‘separate and distinct from abortion-related activities.’ We commend Gov. Gianforte and the Montana Legislature for prioritizing the health of women and their children and for protecting its citizens from being forced to indirectly subsidize abortion businesses.”

WND previously reported Biden, during his first 100 days, a milestone passed only a short time back, assembled a “legacy of death.”

That’s according to Liberty Counsel, an organization that focuses civil and religious rights, including the right to life.

“When Joe Biden ran for president, he made repeated promises to expand abortion and undo many of the pro-life measures implemented under the Trump administration,” the organization reported recently. “In the short time Biden has been in office, he has quickly worked to make good on those promises, ensuring what will be a lasting legacy of death.”

In fact, the organization reported, Biden already has moved 10 times against the lives of the unborn, including just a day or so after his inauguration when he confirmed his intention to put the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that created a “right” to abortion into federal law.

Then, a few days after that, he released a plan to “protect” women’s health, through which he withdrew the U.S. from the Geneva Consensus that declared “there is no international right to abortion,” repealed the Mexico City policy that prevented U.S. funding of international abortion, reversed the Title X rule that prevented federal funding of facilities that do abortions, and restored U.S. taxpayer money to the United Nations Population Fund, which promotes abortion including in countries that impose forced abortions.

But, Liberty Counsel reported, Biden was only halfway there.

Other moves included the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act that provides hundreds of millions that can be assigned to abortionists and his nomination of the radically pro-abortion Xavier Becerra as secretary of Health and Human Services.

“Throughout his time as a U.S. representative and the attorney general of California, Becerra showed support for barbaric abortion practices, including partial-birth abortion and infanticide, forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions and violating the consciences of Americans. Becerra tried to force pregnancy care centers to promote abortions in California and sued nuns, asserting they should pay for contraception and abortifacients,” the report charged.

“He also spearheaded the political prosecution of Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden, pro-life journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts.”

Biden also has demanded passage of the “Equality Act” that states “pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions,” and is perceived to “create a federal ‘right’ to abortion and will preempt every state law,” Liberty Counsel said.

Then Biden approved “telemedicine abortions,” which previously had been restricted because of the danger to a woman taking drugs without a doctor’s supervision, and then he announced he would make Americans “fund research that uses tissue from aborted babies.”

Earlier, the Family Research Council said it was “Tracking the Biden Administration” and it found more than half of the president’s executive actions have had one focus.

To undermine “life, family, and religious freedom.”

“At the 100-day mark of the Biden administration, it has become evident that President Biden’s call for unity and healing on day one of his presidency was nothing more than a rhetorical diversion, as he has demanded conformity to policies and priorities that threaten to lurch America to the Left in historic proportions,” said FRC President Tony Perkins.

FRC found that of 62 executive actions, 32 undermine life, family or faith.

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Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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