(SUMMIT NEWS) – England’s lockdown measures could remain in place beyond the supposed “freedom day” on June 21st despite the fact that for 11 out of the last 12 weeks, deaths have been below the 5 year average. Yes, really.
As LockdownSkeptics.org highlights, “(the) ONS announced that there were 9,628 deaths in England and Wales in the week ending 28th May 2021. This is 232 fewer than the previous week, and 3.1% below the five-year average.”
“Deaths in England and Wales have now been below the five-year average for 11 of the past 12 weeks. Over that time, there were 8,212 fewer deaths than you’d expect based on the average of the last five years. And note that, due to population ageing, the five-year average understates the expected number of deaths. So the true level of “negative excess mortality” is even higher.”