Video: Dad panics when he sees baby playing with tarantula

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(FOX NEWS) – A dad jumped right into action when he realized his young daughter was playing with a huge tarantula — and the moment was caught on video by the family’s backyard camera.

David Lehman, 36, from Tucson, Arizona, told Fox News that when he walked into the backyard earlier this month, he noticed his 18-month-old daughter, Blake, was sitting on the ground, playing with a coffee can. When he asked her what she was playing with, he said she responded by saying: “Bug.”

“She’s just learning how to talk, she’s one and a half years old,” Lehman told Fox, adding later: “Right now, there’s a bunch of beetles everywhere… so when she’s saying ‘bug,’ I’m thinking ‘ah, cool, you caught one of those little bugs.’”

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