(GEN Z CONSERVATIVE) – In the midst of the current battle between Republicans and Democrats, and Democrats and Democrats, over the proposed “infrastructure bill” and “social spending bill” that seek to spend as much as the GDPs of Germany and Mexico combined, America sees there is nothing “moderate” about Biden.
He has caved to the worst of socialists and the AOC and Bernie Sanders Caucus, regarding how far he is willing to advance the idiocy of Marxist social engineering programs. And as we heard Joe Biden assert that he and the Democrats would get their massive $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” spending and $1 trillion “infrastructure” bills whether it happens “in six minutes, six days or six weeks”, America knew he may as well have been speaking of the final destruction of America as She has stood for well over two centuries.
However, and even more of a sad statement on what the American people face today, we saw nineteen Republicans join hands with those who seek to end the Republic and make it possible for this Marxist hodge-podge of “infrastructure” boondoggles advance to this point, including the ever suspect RINO and former Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, always to be counted on to sell America down the river if there’s a dollar to be found in it for him.