Ted Cruz: ‘COVID has shown Democrats are authoritarian jackbooted thugs’

By Around the Web

(SUMMIT NEWS) – Texas Senator Ted Cruz charged Wednesday that the COVID crisis has revealed the real character of Democrats in power, calling them “jackbooted thugs” and warning that “There is no decision about your life that they will not try to control.”

Cruz made the comments during an interview with Sean Hannity, in which the Senator addressed the attempts of Biden’s Justice Department to paint up concerned parents in the U.S. as “domestic terrorists” for questioning vaccine mandates and radical critical race theory being made a part of their kids’ education curriculum.

Cruz urged that “In any crisis someone’s character is revealed, and COVID really has shown the character of the Democrats. They are authoritarians, they are jackbooted thugs. There is no decision about your life that they will not try to control whether that is a vaccine mandate, regardless of your choices.”

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