The latest Hunter Biden revelation

By Around the Web

(THE FEDERALIST) — As far as The New York Times is concerned, major conflicts of interest are only a small part of a major investigation it conducted spanning three continents and involving multiple reporters. In two lengthy articles, the paper offered an in-depth look into how, while international agencies and the Biden administration are promoting electric cars, China has acquired a near-monopoly on the resources needed to build batteries for those vehicles.

The tale of how China acquired a crucial mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo from a struggling American company in 2016 is an eye-opener. So, too, is what it discovered about the massive effort the Chinese government has made through companies it finances to take over the industry and how the United States has done virtually nothing to prevent this dangerous state of affairs in the past two administrations.

But one aspect of their investigation has political implications in addition to the obvious geostrategic implications of the Chinese acquiring a stranglehold on a vital resource just at the moment the obsession with going green to halt global warming has put the government behind the production of electric cars.

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