Scientists turn popcorn into an eco-friendly building material

By Around the Web

(STUDY FINDS) – Popcorn may soon be moving from movie theater snack stands to the theater’s walls themselves! Scientists at the University of Göttingen have developed of method to turn popcorn into eco-friendly building insulation. The team says these materials could cut down on the use of less sustainable products to keep buildings warm and reduce heating costs.

Good insulation in a building cuts down on the need to provide heat through oil and gas, resulting in fewer CO2 emissions. Researchers note that the construction market is dominated by traditional building materials, including plastics and mineral fibers — making up about 90 percent of all insulation products. Moreover, manufacturers also use plastics coming from petroleum to make exterior insulation too.

Researchers say sustainable and natural options for building insulation are already available. When it comes to what makes insulation eco-friendly, the team says these materials should include renewable raw materials, have good thermal insulation, be resistant to fire, and be easy to recycle when the building eventually comes down.

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