Award-winning journalist gives boot to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

By Bob Unruh

Lara Logan (Facebook profile)
Lara Logan (Facebook profile)

An award-winning journalist who was subjected to a tidal wave of criticism just a few years ago when she blasted legacy media for dropping even the pretense of being objective has announced she is giving the boot to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The announcement from Lara Logan came via social media:

She’s a South African television and radio journalist, a former chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS and worked with “60 Minutes. She called out the media in 2019 with her comments, “The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just in the U.S. But in this country, 85% of journalists are registered Democrats – that’s just a fact.”

A report in the Daily Wire documented she explained she could not “in good conscience” remain on the platforms.

She said she objected to the companies that “glorify & enrich themselves at the expense of children who they knowingly exploit.”

“I am leaving Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. I cannot in good conscience contribute to platforms who glorify & enrich themselves at the expense of children who they knowingly exploit,” she said.

“Discovering recently that animals are sexually abused/exploited along [with] children was a shock. I had no idea such a depraved ideology was being pushed on this scale or the insidious ways the worst of humanity is normalized, promoted & quietly glorified by the same platforms who censor free speech from truckers, doctors, naturalists, vaccine injured & so on,” she continued.

The Daily Wire explained in recent times, Big Tech companies have been criticized for allegedly platforming explicit content of children and facilitating sex trafficking.

“Notably, in May, Twitter tried to dismiss a child pornography lawsuit filed against the company by an underaged victim, citing outlined protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — a controversial clause that has protected Big Tech from viewpoint discrimination and, in this case, they claim, child pornography being hosting on their platforms,” the report said.

Twitter explained that even if all the minor’s claims are accepted as true, the company still has no liability.

Another case involved a boy who was recruited for sex trafficking, but then charged “he had to endure his own sexual abuse material being promoted on Twitter.”

She said instead she would be working with Gettr and other platforms that make a priority of “the rights of children, animals, free speech & basic human decency.”

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Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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