Court hearing case by doctor who was banned from saving babies

By Bob Unruh

A court hearing will be held this month in the United Kingdom to consider the case of a doctor who was banned from saving babies.

The order from an interim Orders Tribunal for physicians found that he was offering life-saving treatment to couples for their unborn babies – on an urgent basis – if they decided they wanted to reverse the chemical abortion pill process.

Christian Concern said it is Dr. Dermot Kearney who was ordered to not provide treatment for the next 18 months by the tribunal, after the General Medical Council complained about him.

In May 2021, Kearney was banned from prescribing emergency abortion pill rescue therapy, which simply involves administering the natural hormone progesterone to a pregnant woman.

That reverses the chemical abortion pill process which cuts off progesterone from the unborn child, killing him or her.

Christian Concern explained, “The move by the GMC to prevent Dr. Kearney from providing this treatment is believed to be the first time a medical doctor has been prohibited from providing a treatment that saves lives.”

He now is supported by the Christian Legal Center, and will have his case heard at the Royal Courts of Justice on February 24.

He’s asking that the order be overturned.

The medical industry in the U.K. decided at the start of the COVID pandemic to let corporations sell abortion-producing chemicals to women, and mail them out.

The report said the decision “has led to thousands of vulnerable women having unsafe and traumatic abortions at home without proper advice, medical supervision or aftercare.” Thousands have called for emergency help because of the unsupervised chemical treatments they take.

Kearney simply offered an option for those women who regretted their abortion decision, and to date, 32 women who got treatment have given birth to healthy babies.

Abortionists say the treatment isn’t safe, but so far haven’t documented that, the report said.

Kearney’s patients have volunteered statements in his case endorsing his work.

One mother said of Kearney, “He was incredible. He was kind, he did not pressurize me, he set realistic expectations and also helped my partner who had questions. If it wasn’t for Dr Kearney, our child would not be alive.”

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “The ban on Dr. Kearney is wrong and should be reversed. We have seen many women immediately regret taking the first abortion pill. Dr Kearney offers the possibility of saving the pregnancy when this happens. He should have the freedom to do it.”

He added, “Many women feel unbelievably grateful to Dr Kearney. for helping them to save their babies. Even where the babies were not saved, or where they decided to decline the progesterone treatment, they feel that he has cared for them and helped them when they most needed it. He steps into the breach where the abortion providers are manifestly failing.”

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Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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