No to Green New Deal. Yes to Media New Deal!

By Joseph Farah

You hear it every day – a thousand times from the radical Democrats and nonstop from the even more radical media. The existential threat facing America and the world is … climate change. They are in agreement that we must adopt a Green New Deal, meaning a radical new lifestyle of coercive government control, the end of gas-powered cars and trucks, doing without air travel, limiting the number of children, and more.

It’s not a popular agenda. It’s a loser.

I’ll tell you what is needed instead.

We need to adopt a Media New Deal to save free speech, the free press, freedom of religion, free elections and to save America.

That’s what we need.

And we don’t have 10 or 12 years to do it. We may only have until November 2022.

America’s freedom has never faced a greater threat. The Democratic Party leadership is now dominated by openly brazen socialists, extremists, the extremist left, the real “insurrectionists.” The Big Media are in the tank for them as never before. And, this time, the biggest and most powerful tech monopolies in the world are censoring dissent as never before, actively destroying the independent media and plotting a putsch for a radical New World Order.

Some of you know my work over the last 25 years as the pioneer in online news-gathering – the co-founder of WND in 1997 with my wife, Elizabeth.

  • WND was the first independent online media company to be approved for White House coverage.
  • WND was the first independent online media company to be approved to cover the Congress.
  • WND was the first independent online media company to publish books and produce movies – including dozens of New York Times bestsellers and No. 1 selling films.

In 25 years, WND earned more than $150 million in revenues.

But today, the Google-Facebook cartel (with a supporting cast of YouTube, Amazon, Apple, Twitter and PayPal) have conspired to destroy WND and all the independent media that followed in our path of truth-telling and countering fake news.

From 1997 through 2016, WND was apparently too successful.

Following the presidential election of 2016, the robber barons of Google-Facebook and company declared war on the independent media, along with free speech and dissent against their radical left-wing agenda. With control over 95% of internet searches and 85% of digital advertising, they began starving WND.

From 2017 through 2019, our revenues were slashed by 80%.

In 2021 it got much, much worse. Google PERMANENTLY DEMONITIZED WND! No kidding! Why did they attack us so ferociously? Easy – because they could. Because they blamed us for the 2016 election results. We have been the canary in coalmine. They have done everything to destroy us!

That’s why I say we don’t need a Green New Deal. We need a Media New Deal. If we can’t achieve it before the 2022 elections, the beacon of American liberty will go dark. No free and fair elections. No press freedom. No free speech. No religious freedom.

Don’t think I am exaggerating. This is the real existential threat we face – not climate change.

We have some other existential threats as well. If we can’t face China within a few years, America is marked for destruction. We must get prepared.

Robert Epstein, a Ph.D. research psychologist who focuses on search-engine manipulation, warned that Google’s attempts to manipulate public opinion are more terrifying than the Chinese government’s attempts to control its citizens.

“To me, [China’s manipulation] is scary, but people are aware of it,” he said. “It’s done openly by the government. I think what is happening elsewhere in the world that’s being driven mostly by Google I think is much more dangerous, because it’s mostly invisible,” said Epstein.

“There’s no transparency, there’s no accountability,” Epstein added. “It’s a more ambitious kind of surveillance than that of the Chinese government.”

Epstein says he is certain Google employed elements of its ability to change its users’ opinions on whom to vote for in the 2018 midterm election – thus potentially affecting control of the House of Representatives. He also predicted in ADVANCE that it was possible for Google to select the winner of the 2020 presidential election – without detection.

A Hillary Clinton supporter in the 2016 election, Epstein says his research suggests Google’s demonstrable pro-Democrat activism in that race explains most of her lead in the popular vote.

Did they use this power for real in 2020? Absolutely. There’s not a doubt in mind.

Think about it. Google and Facebook have more of your personal information than the NSA does. Armed with that data and their algorithms, Epstein charges, Google and Facebook have the power not only to change your mind about whom to vote for, but they have the power to do it without you even realizing what is happening.

Please understand what I am saying to you today. Google and Big Tech are killing us. But the goal of these radicals is much bigger than killing WND. They are aiming to rig the next election when they are facing what everyone knows would otherwise be a shellacking this November. Then they will impose draconian hammerlock control on speech that will pervade the entire internet. No more opposition, no more dissent.

The hour is indeed late. What can you do? How can you save this canary in the coalmine? How can you help WND at this vital time?

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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