‘After School Satan Club’ for elementary students rejected by school board

By Around the Web

(BIZPAC REVIEW) – The school board for Northern Elementary School in York, Pennsylvania overwhelmingly voted down the “After School Satan Club” in an 8-to-1 vote during a meeting on Tuesday evening after it was pushed and promoted by a parent at the school.

The principal at the school initially rejected the club out of hand. Then it was tabled for a probationary vote at the school board meeting where it failed to find support. There are currently four similar clubs that have been placed in schools across the country. The group is attempting to expand at every available opportunity into elementary schools.

After board member Thomas Welch voted for the Satanic club, Lucien Greaves, the Satanic Temple spokesperson, said, “Someone voted in favor, eh? It is indicative of a school board that has no idea what its limits are and its function is.”

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