We protect bald eagle ‘fetuses’ …

By Email to the Editor

Note: Send Email to the Editor to [email protected].

Here is a fact that most people do not know. The American Bald Eagle, our national emblem, is protected under federal law. You cannot harm one without breaking the law. You cannot even own an eagle feather unless you are a Native American. But did you know that not only the eagle is protected but the eggs of the eagle are also protected? Why is that? The reason the eggs of an eagle are protected is because the egg contains an eagle. That eagle cannot breathe, feed itself, or survive outside of that egg, yet it is recognized as an eagle because it has the DNA of an eagle.

For 50 years women have been able to obtain legal abortions because the Supreme Court decreed it and declared it a right. Women have demanded control of “their bodies.” They have coined the phrase “My body, my choice.” Who can argue with that? But that statement is not true. A fetus is not part of a woman’s body.

A fetus is a unique being just like the eagle inside the egg. The fetus cannot survive outside of the woman’s body just like the eagle inside the egg. But the fetus has unique DNA that does not match the DNA of the mother. Science dictates that the fetus is a different human being from the mother. So the fetus is not part of the woman’s body.

Women do get to choose what they can do with their bodies. They can “choose” to engage in sexual activity or not. But once they make that decision, their choice has consequences. If they become pregnant, they do hot have the right to kill another human being because they made a poor choice and they are being inconvenienced for nine months. If the fetus is part of the woman’s body, how does he or she stop being part of the woman’s body after birth?

The choice to engage in sex amounts to “implied consent” to carry a fetus to term. The fetus is a living, growing being. If it were not, there would be no need to abort the fetus. The Roe v. Wade decision concluded that if at some point in time it is determined that life begins at conception, then Roe would have to be overturned.

Science has proven through DNA that life begins at conception.

Can anyone please explain how the courts can understand that there is an eagle inside the egg but they do not understand that there is a human being inside a pregnant woman?


The ‘my choice’ fallacy

Pro-abortion protesters yell “My body, my choice!”

Will they allow someone to murder, steal from, assault and do other wrong to themselves?

I highly doubt they will enjoy being on the receiving end of a crime done to them.

So, why do the pro-abortion protesters cry such a contradictory claim?

If a murderer yells “My body, my choice” when he kills someone with a knife or gun, using his own hand, is this a correct morality?


The 2020 Steal

I am so glad to see that you and others have continued to look into the 2020 election. There are a couple of things I wanted to mention.

On Feb. 4, 2021, Time magazine printed an article titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” written by Molly Ball. In this article, she credits Mike Podhorzer as the architect of what was done. The author names names, organizations and companies that were involved.

Ball talks about Zuckerberg, Dorsey and others they worked with to strengthen and change their rules regarding fake stories on their platforms. They worked with 37 states to increase mail-in voting,

Some of the organizations mentioned in the article are AFL-CIO, U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Democracy Defense Coalition, Protect Democracy, Greenpeace, Move On, Planned Parenthood, Indivisible, Working Families Party, Chan Zuckerburg Initiative, Voter Participation Center, Catalist, Issue One, Sierra Club, Color of Change, Democratic Socialists of America, National Association of Evangelicals and many more.

The article is very detailed, and the bipartisan efforts addressed help to reenforce the idea of the deep state that exists in politics. They stop short of saying how much of what they did was unconstitutional; however, it does say they put a lot of their influence into mail-in balloting which brings me to my second item.

There has been very little discussion about how unconstitutional many things associated with the 2020 election were. Article I, Section 4, of the Constitution gives control to state legislatures. Not governors, not secretaries of state, not election supervisors – unless that state legislature has specifically given it to them. This means many of the changes that were made to support mail-in ballots during COVID – from sending ballots to all whether requested or not, not doing signature verifications, not requiring witness signatures when appropriate, extending the term of mail-in ballots from sending them out earlier than usual, accepting them earlier, or accepting them later than usual – were all unconstitutional if they did not go through the process of the legislatures.

There is an exception to Article I, Section 4, which is the states have control unless Congress passes a law to change it. Why do you think Democrats in Congress were trying so hard to pass voting bills that would give control to Congress?

Please keep pushing the problems with the 2020 election. The more we can educate people on what is constitutional and other issues we saw happen, the better chance we have of it not happening again.

Marta Eddy

WND is an answer to prayer

Dear Mr. Farah:

I just wanted to drop a thank-you note. My husband and I have appreciated your publication these last few years tremendously. It is fortunate, a blessing truly, that we have a publication such as yours, from which we can get news that matters to us that we can trust. My husband and I prayed one day that if we should be concerned with these worldly issues that we would have a place to get truthful information. A story from your publication was sent to us from a friend, about an hour later. We no longer question these gifts from God; we only wonder why we didn’t ask Him earlier.

Thank you so much, and may God bless and protect you and all the staff at the paper. The enemy won’t appreciate what you’re doing at all. And that is a badge of honor no man may buy.

Yours in Christ,

Kathy and Terry

Test the Truth, wokesters

Hello. Christ took away my whiskey addiction of three and a half gallons a payday to zero in three days, 1980, zero since. Took away my nicotine addiction the day after Thanksgiving, 10:30 a.m., 1988 – three packs a day to zero in 10 seconds. None since.

Christ did as he said he would do. Leadership does that: Declare, direct, trust and support. I am 84 and still quite active, brain alert etc.

Jesus is real. What do we say to twinkies and haters of truth? TEST IT OUT. If you do not have guts to test, then go home, quite whining and own your woke bitterness, hate, fear etc. Truth will never fail you.

Cheers to those whose brains are in charge of their emotions.

DC Stager, USN retired

Note: Send Email to the Editor to [email protected].

Email to the Editor

Email to the Editor features the views of WND readers. Send letters to [email protected]. Read more of Email to the Editor's articles here.

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