What is ‘Ultra Biden’? I’m proud to be ‘ULTRA MEGA MAGA’

By Wayne Allyn Root

President Joe Biden had his radical Marxist cabal working 24/7 for six months to come up with a derogatory name to brand and insult Trump supporters. These clueless brain surgeons came up with “ultra-MAGA.”

Horror. What a terrible name. Shocking. Humiliating. I don’t think I’ll ever recover.

Actually, the Trump Nation is smiling. We love the name. We’re proud to be “ultra-MAGA.” Thank you. We love it so much we have added to it. Forever more I proclaim us to be …


Because what MAGA represents is pretty wonderful: prosperity, opportunity and peace. Trump’s four years as CEO and commander in chief led to an amazing economy, easily the best of my lifetime, maybe the best ever (until COVID-19 hit). And the lowest rates of black and Latino unemployment in history. And low interest rates, virtually no inflation, plentiful and cheap energy and secure borders. Add in the greatest middle-class income growth in history and low taxes. How about on the world stage? No wars, peace throughout the world, the destruction of ISIS, no embarrassing retreats like Afghanistan, no threat of World War III with China or Russia.

What a great four years! I’ll wear the ULTRA MEGA MAGA badge with honor. But two can play at that game. Let’s define the Biden era.

What is the definition of “ULTRA BIDEN”?

The stock market is crashing. Economic growth is collapsing. Worker productivity is the lowest in a half century. Half the babies born in America are born on welfare. Interest rates are rising. Inflation is exploding. Home sales are cratering. Gas is headed for shortages, gas lines and $10 per gallon. Grocery prices are exploding to unimaginable levels. Massive food shortages are coming. Baby formula shortages are a reality. It’s only going to get much worse this summer.

It’s kind of hard to believe, but the formerly great and prosperous America could soon have shortages of food, gas and baby formula all at once.

We’ve had open borders for a year and a half now (since the day Biden took office), but on May 23 if Title 42 is lifted, we will all see something shocking at the border. Millions will pour through over coming weeks: criminals, gang members, MS-13 murderers, terrorists and poverty-stricken migrants, many spreading diseases like COVID-19, requiring cradle to grave welfare and billions of dollars in social programs, health care and police/court costs. They will overwhelm the economy and our immigration, education and health care systems. This could all start next week.

If that isn’t bad enough, ULTRA BIDEN claims COVID-19 is back; New York is back to masks (and I’m guessing soon, lockdowns and vaccine passports), just in time for midterm elections. Worse, Biden wants to hand over sovereignty and control of our country, economy and health care to the Communist China-controlled World Health Organization. If this treaty passes, the WHO could declare an emergency for either health or “climate change” to order masks, forced vaccines and lockdowns tomorrow and not one political leader in America would have a say. That vote also comes within days. Goodbye, America.

Yup. ULTRA BIDEN is giving our country away.

Have I mentioned the violent crime, theft and shoplifting wave across America? How about big cities that look like war zones. with homeless peoples’ tents, drug needles, poop and pee all over the filthy, crime-ridden, dangerous streets?

Add in small businesses closing by the thousands each day because there are no employees; no one wants to work in ULTRA BIDEN.

Then there’s the censorship, banning, government agencies like “Ministry of Misinformation” to persecute anyone who disagrees with ULTRA BIDEN, the Department of Justice ready and willing to punish and prosecute parents at PTA meetings, while “woke” Democratic district attorneys let every murderer walk free.

Then there’s the education system, aka brainwashing camps where students are indoctrinated in communist, anti-American, anti-white, transgender and sexual identity ideology.

How about giving another $40 billion away to Ukraine, which I believe is the most corrupt nation in the world, while we are broke and $30 trillion in debt, with an American middle class unable to afford housing, gas, groceries or baby formula?

One more Biden “greatest hit”: He left $80 billion of military equipment on the ground in Afghanistan in the most humiliating retreat in U.S. military history.

Does the U.S. military have enough equipment left after the Afghanistan and Ukraine giveaways to fight Russia or China in WWIII? We may find out soon: Biden is spoiling for WWIII to cover up the disaster he’s created at home. Are you ready to fight a nuclear war with China and Russia? Are you ready to be living in a country turned into “Mad Max”?

You can see it coming. All because we let a braindead zombie puppet with dementia steal the 2020 election, thereby putting the White House in the hands of former President Barack Obama, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s ugly, frightening, disgusting, disgraceful and potentially the final destruction of the greatest country in world history, at a speed no one has ever seen before.


I’m proud to be ULTRA MEGA MAGA.


Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root is known as "The Conservative Warrior." His latest book is "The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book." Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America's Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com for more information. Read more of Wayne Allyn Root's articles here.

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