The lies that blind

By Around the Web

(WASHINGTON TIMES) — It’s not healthy when citizens automatically discount whatever the government or media tell them.

That’s what happens in totalitarian countries like North Korea, China or Venezuela.

We have this now in America, thanks to a ruling elite who lie ever more boldly. Girls can be boys. Men can be women. The border is secure. Inflation is all in your head. COVID-19 will kill you unless you do exactly what we tell you to do. Socialism brings wealth and “equity” to all.

The COVID-19 pandemic spawned a fountain of lies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, assisted by Big Tech, censored all alternative views. In the name of “science,” they banned even honest questions. Facebook removed any posts that reasonably suggested the virus most likely came from a Wuhan, China, lab that made viruses more lethal.

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