Meet ‘Pan Solo’: A bakery’s 6-foot replica of ‘Star Wars’ hero made of bread

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(YAHOO) – From frozen in fictional carbonite to trapped in bread? That’s right, “Star Wars'” legendary scoundrel Han Solo is in another sticky spot, this one more glutinous than the last.

One House Bakery in Benicia, Calif. has created an impressive, life-sized replica of the frozen Han Solo made entirely out of bread dough – mirroring the fate that the hero, played by Harrison Ford, meets at the end of the 1980 film “Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back.”

The bread sculpture is an entry for a local scarecrow contest, the bakery said. One House’s co-owner and head baker Hannalee Pervan and her mother Catherine Pervan, the bakery’s chocolatier and co-owner, created Pan Solo.

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