In July 2020, Joy Reid, who had been with MSNBC since 2011, became the first black woman to anchor a prime-time news show there. She explained then, “I feel the burden to do it right.” However, doing it right involved taking just about any social issue and giving it an anti-white spin based on her outrageous racist perceptions.
It is unlikely in the history of prime-time news programming, any one host has continuously sought to spin the myth of a genetic white hatred existing toward minorities as has Reid. Her most recent racist rant occurred just before Thanksgiving, calling the holiday “a simplistic interpretation … that erases the genocide that followed” – despite the Pilgrims having no slaves.
Obviously, in mentioning the “burden” she felt when she started her program in 2020, Reid failed to mention that another is to keep the flame of blame eternally burning in holding the sins of white forefathers against all future white generations. Reid has become a blithering basket case, spouting victimization venom regularly against whites, undoubtedly inciting hatred among blacks unwilling to accept the fact all lives really do matter.
What David Duke represents to the radical right and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Reid represents to the radical left. She condemns all conservatives, lumping them in with such extremists by claiming, “It’s the truth that Republicans want banned from our textbooks because here’s the secret they want so desperately to keep: We are a country founded on violence.”
Reid went on to claim that after the slaves were freed, “a terrorist organization that was a card-carrying member of polite society – the Ku Klux Klan – picked up where the Civil War ended using violence to maintain white supremacy.” But missing from the die-hard liberal’s diatribe is any reference to the fact the KKK was not founded by Republicans but by Democrats seeking to prevent blacks from getting into Congress. Ironically, as Democrats supported the KKK, Republicans worked hard to elect those blacks running for office. In fact, the first 23 blacks elected to Congress were all Republicans.
Reid cited that the first ship coming to America with black slaves onboard arrived in 1619, marking the beginning of two and a half centuries of slavery in North America. What she fails to share, however, is that the destination for those slaves originally was the Spanish colony of Veracruz and they were onboard a Portuguese ship. That ship was captured by British privateers who then took their slave cargo to Virginia to sell.
Liberal New York Times journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones used this incident to outrageously distort American history. Despite its occurrence more than a century and a half before America’s birth, she fostered the “1619 Project” to “rethink the United States origin story to explain how a country founded on ideals of freedom preserved the institution of slavery and the lasting legacy of it.” In other words, she wants to blame America for slavery 157 years before the nation’s establishment.
Hannah-Jones and Reid play two different ends of the blame game. The former seeks to blame America for the sins of white Englishmen while the latter seeks to blame all white Americans after 1776. Just like it is not right for Hannah-Jones to blame non-existing white Americans in 1619, Reid has no right to blame 21st century generations of white Americans as having some kind of genetic defect that rejects equality for all.
Despite a Republican history comparatively free of racism, today’s Democrats – aided by television hosts like Reid who fail to do their homework – perform a disservice, keeping the truth secret about one political party’s racist links and another’s fight to combat it.
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