Writer of new ‘Left Behind’ film: ‘People aren’t seeing we’re in the very last days’

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(Photo by Rowan Freeman on Unsplash)
(Photo by Rowan Freeman on Unsplash)

(FAITHWIRE) — A new “Left Behind” sequel is preparing to offer a fascinating exploration of the biblical end of days, with the writer and producer explaining why he believes the end times are near.

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Paul LaLonde, writer and producer of “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” which hits theaters Jan. 26 as a Fathom Event, recently joined CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture” to explain the film, the theology behind it, and what he’s hoping to accomplish through its release.

“The vast majority of people still don’t know anything about … prophecy, and that includes the church,” LaLonde said. “People have, as the Bible prophesied they would, turned away from prophecy.”

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